On the occasion of the Pink October campaign, the Pink Ribbon association is focusing its action on early detection of breast cancer in Monaco

2024-10-03 13:53:00

In the Principality, for fourteen years, Pink Ribbon has carried the flag for this month of October dedicated to breast cancer awareness. A fight that has moved from confidential to greater visibility, particularly since Princess Charlène last February, agreed to be honorary president of the association.

“The message is starting to take hold, the efforts are paying off after years of struggle, it’s great”enthuses Natasha Frost-Savio, founding president. “There are more and more events around breast cancer awareness. It’s great and it will allow us, in our association, to move to a higher level by discussing with health authorities, to change the morals. That among young girls, for example, self-palpation of the breasts is part of classic hygiene procedures, such as brushing their teeth or applying sunscreen.”

It is towards this awareness that Pink Ribbon has built its campaign this month. A brochure explaining how to perform an effective breast self-exam is visible via a QR code printed on candy boxes. The first 1,500 boxes were purchased by the CFM Indosuez Wealth Management bank which intends to distribute them to its partners. The association is looking for other interested sponsors to spread this message in a fun way. “Regular self-examination is important for early detection of possible lumps, complete Natasha Frost-Savio. It is very important to say it, so that it is not a taboo. Cancer affects younger and younger people. Some women who are diagnosed feel it like a death sentence. But detected in time to be able to be treated, this is not the case.”

Monaco lit up Friday evening

As in previous editions, on Friday evening around twenty emblematic buildings of the Principality will be lit up in pink to rally around the cause. This moment will start, this year, symbolically on the Place du Casino at 7:45 p.m.

A way of making the fight visible. “Some people may criticize us that Pink October is not rosy for everyone. I agree, but we are not trying to make breast cancer a light subject, promises the president of Pink Ribbon. It is symbolic to put screening, treatments and patients first. “It’s time to talk about it and try to change morals so that women get screened as early as possible, reduce their treatments and increase their survival.”

A commitment which also involves research that the Monegasque association supports with its resources. To do this, it will gladly welcome (via pinkribbon.mc) during this month of October and the rest of the year, donations and sponsors, Pink Ribbon’s only source of income.

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