On the Feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus celebrated the Liturgy at the Holy Spirit Cathedral in Minsk / News / Patriarchy.ru

The Divine Liturgy: A Blessing and a Bite of Wit

You know, folks, while the world spins wildly on its axis with political chaos, economic calamities, and an endless array of cat videos, some people are still finding solace in the holy traditions of their faith. Take, for instance, the recent Divine Liturgy celebrated by His Eminence Metropolitan Benjamin at the Holy Spirit Cathedral in Minsk on October 14, 2024. I mean, 2024! At this rate, I reckon the only thing left to do in the future is start a liturgical flash mob.

On a day that also happens to coincide with the Feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos (yes, it’s a mouthful!), Metropolitan Benjamin and a fine ensemble of officials conducted the service with all the pomp and circumstance that could be mustered. We had everyone from Archpriest Andrei Volkov, who sounds like he could double as a bouncer at a nightclub, to Priest Dionisy Kovalev, who, judging by the name alone, has probably got some excellent pastry skills.

And let’s not forget the choir—led by none other than an individual named Vitaly Sobolevsky. I like to imagine that Vitaly not only sings in the choir but also moonlights as an opera star, because why not? The liturgical hymns were probably so exquisite that even the ceiling fans were left in awe, spinning in admiration!

Now, get this: the whole affair was broadcast live on the Belarusian Orthodox Church’s YouTube channel and Belarus 3 TV. A bit of modernity has spruced things up, hasn’t it? I can just see it—Metropolitan Benjamin pulling a ‘like and subscribe’ motion during the service, blessed be his algorithm! And they even provided sign language translation. Talk about making sure everyone gets their divine dose of spirituality—bravo!

But it wasn’t just all fun and games. During a special litany, Metropolitan Benjamin offered a prayer for the restoration of peace. Because if there’s one thing that’s as essential as the holy bread and wine, it’s a prayer for peace in a world that sometimes looks like it’s run by an errant toddler with a crayon. Let’s keep that in mind the next time someone gives us a side-eye for eating crackers during church!

The sermon before communion? Delivered by none other than Priest Dionisy Kovalev—a name that rolls off the tongue smoother than some of the communion wine, I assure you! He surely gave an address so compelling that the congregation was left floating on a cloud of spiritual enlightenment, or possibly just trying to figure out how to get the last of the wafers without causing a scene.

After all that chanting and praying, the archpastor congratulated everyone, which is fantastic! I’m pretty sure an archpastoral blessing is basically a divine handshake with extra heavenly perks. You can’t get that kind of spiritual reward in the Starbucks rewards program, can you?

So, here’s to you, Metropolitan Benjamin and your jolly band of clergy! You remind us that in the midst of life’s turmoil, a little bit of celebration, camaraderie, and—dare I say it—a sprinkle of humor can serve as a balm for our weary souls. If only everyone had a Metropolitan Benjamin to celebrate with, the world might just be a cheerier place!

For the faithful, the fervent, and the just plain curious, you can check out more on the official website of the BOC. Who knows? You might end your day with a heavenly chuckle.

October 14, 2024 5:16 pm

On October 14, 2024, on the Feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus, Metropolitan of Minsk and Zaslavl Benjamin, celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Holy Spirit Cathedral in Minsk.

His Eminence was served by the secretary of the Minsk diocese, Archpriest Andrei Volkov, the chairman of the award commission of the Belarusian Orthodox Church, the chairman of the parish council of the Holy Spirit Cathedral, Priest Dionisy Kovalev, and the clergy of the cathedral.

The liturgical hymns were performed by the bishop’s choir under the direction of Vitaly Sobolevsky.

The service was broadcast live on the YouTube channel of the Belarusian Orthodox Church, as well as on the Belarus 3 TV channel, where it was accompanied by sign language translation.

According to the special litany, Metropolitan Benjamin offered a prayer for the restoration of peace. The sermon before communion was delivered by the cleric of the Holy Spirit Cathedral, Priest Dionisy Kovalev.

After the dismissal of the Divine Liturgy, the Patriarchal Exarch and concelebrating clergy performed the glorification of the Mother of God.

Then the archpastor congratulated the clergy and parishioners of the cathedral on the holiday and addressed a word of edification. In conclusion, Metropolitan Benjamin congratulated the participants on their reception of the Holy Mysteries of Christ and gave everyone the archpastoral blessing.

Official website of the BOC/Patriarchy.ru



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