On the coast, inflatable castles fly away while children play inside: injuries are reported

The Royal Meteorological Institute (RMI) has issued a yellow alert for thunderstorms on Saturday, as a disturbance will move across the country from west to east during the afternoon and evening. Consequently, the number 1722, designated for non-urgent interventions by firefighters, has been activated, according to the FPS Interior.

Initial damage has been reported on the coast, near Nieuwpoort. According to our Flemish colleagues from Nieuwsblad, gusts of wind caused panic during the Saint Bernard festivities in the coastal city, as inflatable castles were lifted off the ground with children still inside.

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Yellow alert for thunderstorms: Brussels parks, nature reserves, and forests closed in the late afternoon

“The gust of wind lasted only two minutes. Until then, there was really no issue. We quickly tried to lower the bouncy castle, but it was already too late. Several bouncy castles were tethered together, and part of them flew away while children were still on them.“, explains Barbara Wyseure, responsible for the city’s emergency plans, to Nieuwsblad.

Initially, four people were reported injured, but ultimately, about a dozen individuals sustained minor injuries, six of whom were taken to the hospital as a precaution. Additionally, another person was struck by an object carried by the wind. Given the speed and intensity of the wind, we are relieved that no serious injuries were reported.“, concludes Barbara Wyseure.


Yellow Thunderstorm Warning Issued by Royal Meteorological Institute

The Royal Meteorological Institute (RMI) has issued a yellow warning for thunderstorms expected to impact the country on Saturday. A disturbance is anticipated to move from west to east throughout the afternoon and evening, prompting officials to activate the emergency hotline 1722 for non-urgent firefighter interventions, according to the Federal Public Service (FPS) Interior.

Impact of Thunderstorms on Coastal Areas

As reported by our Flemish colleagues from Nieuwsblad, the first signs of damage can already be seen on the coast, particularly near Nieuwpoort. During the Saint Bernard festivities in this coastal town, strong gusts of wind led to chaos when inflatable castles were lifted off the ground with children still inside. This alarming incident has raised concerns about safety protocols during such weather events.

Barbara Wyseure, responsible for the city’s emergency plans, described the intensity of the situation: “This gust of wind only lasted two minutes. Up until then, there was really no problem. We quickly tried to lower the bouncy castle, but it was already too late. Several bouncy castles were attached together, and part of them flew away while children were still on them.”

Injuries and Safety Measures

Fortunately, despite the shock, only a few injuries were reported. In total, four people were initially reported injured, but the figure quickly rose to a dozen individuals, with six requiring hospital care as a precaution. Another individual suffered injuries from being struck by a flying object due to the severe weather conditions.

Wyseure expressed relief that there were no serious injuries: “Given the speed and strength of the wind, we are relieved that no serious injuries were reported.”

Preventive Measures During Thunderstorms

Given the unpredictable nature of thunderstorms, it’s crucial for communities to adopt several preventive measures to ensure safety. Here are some practical tips:

  • Stay Informed: Pay attention to weather alerts and updates from local authorities.
  • Create an Emergency Plan: Have plans in place for your family in case of severe weather or emergencies.
  • Secure Outdoor Items: Bring in or secure items that can be blown away by strong winds, such as patio furniture, decorations, and inflatables.
  • Avoid Outdoor Activities: Refrain from participating in outdoor events during severe weather warnings.
  • Seek Shelter: During a storm, find shelter indoors and away from windows, doors, and unstable structures.

Understanding Thunderstorm Risks

Thunderstorms can pose several risks, including:

  • Wind Damage: High winds can topple trees, damage buildings, and create hazardous flying debris.
  • Lightning Strikes: Lightning is a significant danger during thunderstorms, capable of causing severe injury or worse.
  • Flash Flooding: Heavy rain can lead to unexpected flash floods, particularly in low-lying areas.

Case Study: Thunderstorm Response in Nieuwpoort

The recent incident in Nieuwpoort illustrates the critical importance of emergency preparedness in local communities. With strong winds catching residents off guard, the local authorities were able to respond quickly, emphasizing the need for effective communication and planning during weather emergencies.

As part of their emergency response, the city implemented immediate safety protocols during the festivity, which involved:

  • Emergency Response Team Activation: Quickly assembling a team of responders to address injuries and damages.
  • Public Information Dissemination: Providing timely updates to the public, ensuring that safety announcements were heard during the festivities.
  • Post-Event Review: Conducting assessments after the storm to evaluate safety measures and update emergency protocols.

First-Hand Experiences of Residents

Residents and attendees of the Saint Bernard festivities shared their first-hand accounts of the sudden storm. Many described the moments leading up to the gust of wind as a typical day full of laughter and amusement. However, in mere seconds, the atmosphere shifted dramatically.

One parent shared, “We were having such a great time when suddenly everything changed. It was terrifying to see the bouncy castles lift off the ground. I panicked and rushed to grab my child.”

Such narratives remind us of the unpredictability of nature, reinforcing the need for children and families to remain vigilant during outdoor events in uncertain weather.

Measures Taken by Brussels Parks and Nature Reserves

In light of the thunderstorm warning, Brussels parks, nature reserves, and woods plan to close at the end of the afternoon to ensure the safety of all visitors. This proactive approach showcases the city’s commitment to public safety and reinforces local emergency plans during severe weather conditions.

Service Response Plan
Firefighters Hotline Activated 1722 for non-urgent interventions
Emergency Teams Standby for immediate response
Public Parks Closure announcement for safety


The yellow warning for thunderstorms reminds us of the importance of staying informed and prepared for rapidly changing weather conditions. Community members and authorities must work together to enhance safety measures, ensuring that the well-being of all residents and visitors is prioritized during risks associated with severe weather patterns.



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