On-site visits to Shanghai enterprises: Promoting resumption of work and production and gradually restoring production vitality – Xinhua English.news.cn

(Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) Field Visit to Shanghai Enterprises: Promoting the Resumption of Work and Production and Gradually Restoring Production Vitality

China News AgencyShanghai, April 24th Telegram: On-site visits to Shanghai enterprises: Promoting the resumption of work and production and gradually restoring production vitality

China News AgencyReporter Li Chun

At 8:15 p.m., boxes of raw plasma were unloaded from the refrigerated transport vehicle and transported to the raw material warehouse of Sinopharm Group Shanghai Blood Products Co., Ltd.Jiang Yanfang, deputy general manager of the company, told

China News Agency

Reporter, this batch of raw materials shipped from Jiangsu Province is the first batch of raw plasma the company has received since the closure of Shanghai Puxi on April 1.

At present, Shanghai is gradually promoting the resumption of work and production.

China News Agency

The reporter recently visited a number of companies in Shanghai to learn about the resumption of work and production in these companies and companies, and how to gradually restore production vitality.

Key enterprises press the “restart button”

Recently, Shanghai has issued guidelines for the prevention and control of the epidemic for industrial enterprises to resume work and production, and established a “whitelist” system for key enterprises, involving energy and chemical industries, equipment manufacturing, biomedicine and other fields, to promote the resumption of work and production in an orderly manner.

Sinopharm Group Shanghai Blood Products Co., Ltd. is on the published whitelist. “The basic conditions are now in place.” Jiang Yanfang said that since the company entered closed management in early April, more than 30 employees of the company have been stationed in the plant to maintain the operation of plant equipment and public systems, and to prepare for the full resumption of work and production. Prepare. At present, the logistics of plasma products has resumed, and other aspects are being coordinated one after another.

Not only pharmaceutical companies, but in the context of promoting the resumption of work and production, many companies in various industries in Shanghai have pressed the “restart button”.

For example, on the 19th of this month, SAIC Group’s Lingang Passenger Car Factory completed the first vehicle off the assembly line under the pressure test of resumption of work and production, and more than 700 complete vehicles have been rolled off the assembly line; Shanghai Huayi New Materials Co., Ltd. has just started The production capacity of the second-phase equipment is expected to increase from 50% to 75% by the end of April; 75% of the front-line employees of Shanghai Electric Nuclear Power Equipment Co., Ltd. have returned to work, and the production load has remained at nearly 90% of the pre-epidemic level.

At a press conference on Shanghai’s epidemic prevention and control work on April 22, Shanghai Deputy Mayor Zhang Wei said that over the past week, 70% of 666 key enterprises have resumed work and production. In the next step, Shanghai will move forward in a rolling manner, with leading enterprises as the traction, with points leading the chain, and orderly driving the coordinated resumption of work and production in the entire industrial chain.

Get through the return of personnel and block points in the logistics supply chain

On the one hand, the resumption of work and production of key enterprises is promoted in batches and categories, and Shanghai is working hard to ensure that both anti-epidemic and production are correct. challenge.

Zhang Hongtao, chief engineer of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology, previously pointed out that with the progress of resumption of work and production, the common problems encountered by different industries and enterprises are mainly concentrated in logistics and transportation, personnel returning to work, and industrial chain support. The problem is that people who have resumed work and production have returned to work.

This is also the difficulty Jiang Yanfang faces. Sinopharm Group Shanghai Blood Products Co., Ltd. is located in Changning District, Shanghai. Most of the about 40 employees who are currently able to work are living in Changning District. “Our employees are scattered in various districts in Shanghai, and now the cross-district personnel are unblocked. There is still some difficulty.”

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Poor logistics and transportation and remaining blockages in the supply chain are also difficulties encountered by many companies on the road to resumption of work and production. Taking the Shanghai Chemical Industry Park as an example, before the outbreak, the daily capacity of the park could reach more than 2,000 logistics vehicles, and during the epidemic period, the minimum number dropped to more than 700. With the resumption of work and production, the number of logistics vehicles has increased to more than 1,300.

Ji Qiwei, deputy general manager of SAIC Passenger Vehicle Company, pointed out that the current difficulty in resuming work and production for the company lies in materials, and the entire supply chain is uneven. It is for this reason that SAIC Motor has launched a stress test for resumption of work and production. By pulling the entire industrial chain to find shortcomings, it will prepare for the subsequent gradual increase in production capacity and full resumption of work and production.

Supply chain thinking in the post-epidemic era

Wang Peng, associate professor of Renmin University of China, pointed out in an interview earlier that the resumption of work and production in Shanghai at this stage is of practical significance, which will largely dredge the adverse effects of the epidemic on the national manufacturing industry, including the upstream and downstream industrial chains, which will help The recovery of production enterprises.

Shanghai carries the important function of connecting domestic and international markets. Promptly promoting the resumption of work and production is particularly important for Shanghai’s livelihood security, epidemic prevention and control, and China’s development.

During this round of the epidemic, Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. restarted the production line to produce sodium hypochlorite disinfectant stock solution with a concentration of 3.5%, and donated 160 tons of stock solution to all parts of Shanghai for free to help the city’s epidemic prevention and disinfection work.

Jiang Cailin, general manager of Shanghai Electric Nuclear Power Equipment Co., Ltd., also said that the company is a nuclear power heavy equipment company that undertakes the construction of major national projects. “We have this responsibility and this responsibility to maintain production.”

In addition, the current round of epidemic in Shanghai has also made some enterprises start to think about the construction of production capacity and supply chain in the post-epidemic era. Jiang Cailin believes that enterprises must have certain reserves in the supply chain to be able to respond to emergencies.

“How to do the supply chain in the post-epidemic era is a relatively big issue.” Ji Qiwei also mentioned the need to increase the company’s inventory. As for how to make specific adjustments, each company has its own views. At present, different regions and enterprises are facing different situations and many difficulties. It will take some time to return to normal as soon as possible and achieve full resumption of work and production.

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