medicine under suspiciona novel that denounces many dark aspects of medicine that many readers are not aware of.
The presentation will be made by Pablo Montoya, winner of the Rómulo Gallegos Prize, one of the most respected writers in the country.
In this volume, emphasis is placed on the medical-legal part, lawsuits and matters that have to do with lawyers, complications, courts, malpractice and bad association, etc.
By the way, the medical epidemiologist Carlos Alberto Valásquez wrote this:
medicine under suspicion
(impressions from a reader)
Practicing medicine has been an immeasurable source of joy for doctors of all ages.
Its exercise has provided prestige and recognition to those who have known how to practice their art as Hippocrates ordered twenty-five centuries ago, but it has also involved giving up personal tranquility, submitting to long and exhausting hours of study and inhuman hours; to neglect their family life for the benefit of patients, to face the risk of contagion, and to face the painful reality of losing the battle once morest death and seeing how patients get out of hand without being able to do anything to prevent it.
But practicing medicine today has an additional connotation that makes it a high-risk profession.
The contemporary doctor has become the target of all kinds of characters who are on the lookout, waiting for a mistake or the slightest hesitation, to fall on them like birds of prey and strip them of their dignity and any coin they can get from him.
And the sad thing is that many times it is the patients themselves, or their relatives, who seek the downfall of the doctors to whom they owe their lives. In others, the lawyers who should seek justice, and in some cases the same colleagues.
The honest and ethical doctor will often be surrounded by unscrupulous professionals: “…give them the opportunity and the necessary time to express themselves as they are, and in a few days you will see intrigues, jealousy, envy, hypocrisy, betrayal and unfair competition”.
“Medicine under suspicion” is the last book of the Perverse Health Trilogy, in which Dr. Emilio Alberto Restrepo Baena, gynecologist-obstetrician and writer with extensive experience, recounts in a magnificent literary Thriller the situations that doctors face in day to day, and that very few people know.
In this thrillingly topical novel, the reader will discover with horror the stories that are woven in the underworld of medicine and that will give him a new vision of what happens to health.
Doctor Restrepo Baena surprises us once more.
Listen to Dr. Emilio Retrepo, regarding his new work: