On International Cat Day, two cats rescued by Animal Welfare hope to find a new home

Asuncion, IP Agency.- In the framework of International Cat Day, the National Directorate of Animal Defense, Health and Welfare (DNDSBA) invites the adoption of two rescued felines: Fernando and Rafael, who are looking for a home full of love and care. In this article we tell you their stories and how to adopt them.

Fernando is a young and mischievous cat who was abandoned in a rental house. After being rescued after a period of abandonment and neglect, he is now in the DNDSBA shelter, receiving the care he deserves. However, he is still looking for a family that will give him a permanent home.

Rafael (left) and Fernando (right) are waiting for a new home.

Rafael, meanwhile, was found in a deplorable state, with mange wounds on his head and neck, apparently after having spent days on the wall of a house. Thanks to his rescue and the care provided, Rafael is recovering and ready to join a new family that will give him the opportunity for a better life.

The adoption of Fernando and Rafael represents an act of love as well as a commitment to the fight against animal abuse. If you are interested in giving these adorable felines a second chance, more information can be obtained via email adopcion@bienestaranimal.gov.py.

More severe sanctions against animal abuse

Yesterday, the Senate gave partial approval to the bill that modifies article 38 of Law No. 4,840/13, on Animal Protection and Welfare, with the aim of toughening penalties for animal abuse. This bill proposes increasing prison sentences for very serious infractions from up to two years to six years, in response to growing public concern about cases of violence against animals.

The bill was approved with modifications and will be sent to the Chamber of Deputies for consideration. During the session, several senators highlighted the importance of legislating on this issue and congratulated animal protection organizations for their tireless work in defense of defenseless beings.

#International #Cat #Day #cats #rescued #Animal #Welfare #hope #find #home
2024-08-11 21:22:08



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