On February 3, the UNPS is committed to “shared suicide prevention”

How best to ensure the continuity and adjustment of suicide prevention over time, in a world that is changing more and more quickly? On the occasion of this 27e National Suicide Prevention Day, the National Union for the Prevention of Suicide (UNPS) wishes to look at the devices that allow better prevention and better support. Through the chosen theme “Shared prevention: those who bring it to life”, the UNPS is committed for the actors as well as for the beneficiaries of prevention, care and those who support them.

For three years, the National Union for the Prevention of Suicide (UNPS) has expressed its vision of shared prevention, inspired by the diversity of its network of member organisations. It seeks to renew and update its methods of action to further improve the answers to this question. The concept of shared prevention consists of bringing together a certain number of actors working in different but complementary fields of expertise. Each stakeholder, in his or her field, brings suicide prevention to life. This union of actors brings out adapted devices or tools, flexible in their implementation, closer to people and their surroundings. We
We want to reorient prevention towards a better match between the person and their life contexts.

The UNPS observes how diversified the structures for prevention and intervention in the face of suicide are. ” Volunteers or professionals, they are well registered in our territories, at the crossroads of many local actors! If they accept the principle of working according to methods that are still being defined or at least little known regarding shared prevention, they are probably the best think tank resources that we can currently imagine. These modalities are part of participatory or deliberative democracy in health« .

In order to be at best in relevant, sustainable actions, but also the most economical for public funds, the approaches proposed in prevention must, according to the UNPS, meet at least four characteristics:
– Identify as closely as possible the problems to be dealt with;
– Design or adapt the relevant devices and tools to intervene;
– Disseminate their characteristics so that their uses are inspiring and non-binding in their implementation;
– Accompany a parallel evolution of representations and beliefs to facilitate the appropriation of these devices and tools.

Inauguration du 1er Centre Régional de Prévention du Suicide en PACA
Le CRPS PACA, financé par l'ARS PACA, regroupera les dispositifs de lutte contre le suicide et la récidive suicidaire avec le déménagement des dispositifs VigilanS et Asma dans de nouveaux locaux, 146 rue Paradis (13006) Marseille. 

The 27th national symposium on February 3, 2023, Pierre Laroque room, at the Ministry of Health and Prevention (Paris 7th), will contribute to the emergence of new methods of co-construction of prevention, drawing inspiration from the relevant actions carried out in the territories. During these National Days 2023, the member structures of the UNPS will propose in the metropolitan and overseas territories a shared reflection around these different questions.

The UNPS provides suicide prevention tools available HERE



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