Omicron Variant and Respiratory Syncytial Virus: Health Threats in Colombia 2023

2023-12-11 23:19:52

Despite the relaxation of measures to combat covid-19, the virus continues to represent a threat to the health of Colombians, especially due to the high circulation of the omicron variant in the country, which health authorities estimate at 60 percent.

What the analysis of epidemiological behavior with the reports made to the Public Health Surveillance System (Sivigila) indicates is that in 2023 there has been a significant circulation of the respiratory syncytial virus. This affects both children and older adults. In addition, the rhinovirus that impacts children of all ages in a greater proportion.

The EG.5 omicron variant has a 60 percent share in the national territory | Photo: Week

Both are circulating in Colombia along with the enterovirus, rhinovirus, adenovirus, parainfluenza and influenza B, as well as Sars-CoV-2 itself, which causes covid-19.

Precisely, according to data from the most recent surveillance report on the circulation of Sars-CoV-2, dated November 12, it is observed that the EG.5 omicron variant has a 60 percent participation in the national territory and remains as the dominant variant in the country, displacing its omicron relatives XBB.1.5 (20 percent) and XBB.1.16 (20 percent).

Sore throat, dry cough, extreme physical tiredness and fatigue are symptoms of omicron, so if you experience any of them or both, it is advisable to see a doctor. If the person has a good vaccination schedule, these symptoms may appear mildly.

“People must reinforce protection and self-care measures now that the stage of large crowds and family gatherings with people of all ages begins. Additionally, we have the flow of travelers from the northern hemisphere, where there is a large circulation of covid and influenza, who come to the country on vacation,” indicates the National Institute of Health.

Intense headache

A severe headache is one of the first symptoms of omicron and is even more common than cough, fever and fatigue. It is a pain that can be moderate to intense with a feeling of pressure or stabbing. The location of the pain is on both sides of the head and usually lasts more than three days.

Mucus and runny nose are universal symptoms of the cold, flu, covid-19 and are also omicron symptoms.

Mucus and runny nose

Mucus and runny nose are universal symptoms of the cold, flu, covid-19 and are also omicron symptoms. These symptoms last approximately two to five days after the virus is detected.

Night sweats

According to internist Arturo Molano Suárez, night sweats are a specific symptom that distinguishes ómicron from other variants of covid-19. These episodes are characterized by the presence of sudden and intense bouts of extreme sweating.

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Symptoms in children

The omicron variant is the most contagious strain to date for all age groups, including adults and children. However, omicron symptoms were more present in unvaccinated people. As a result, minors were more affected.

According to pediatric pulmonologist Carlos Antonio Alvarado, the omicron variant manifests itself in children with a dry, raspy cough, accompanied by intense pain in the throat.

In addition, nasal congestion, headache, fever and diarrhea occur.

Getting vaccinated, the best measure

To counteract the impact of covid-19 in the country at the end of the year, it is important to keep in mind that the updated bivalent vaccine is available in Colombia, and arrived amid reports of persistence of cases, complications, death and growing concern about the health effects that new variants can generate.

The prioritized population for this vaccine is people over 60 years of age, as well as people with high-risk diseases and health personnel. | Photo: Minsalud

The prioritized population for this vaccine is people over 60 years of age, as well as people with high-risk diseases and health personnel.

The vaccine is available at 3,000 vaccination points distributed throughout the national territory (both in its EPS and in the vaccination points of the Health Secretariats of each region).

The updated bivalent vaccine that Colombia has today has an approved shelf life (both by the regulatory entity and the manufacturer) until March and April 2024. That is, the population can be vaccinated reliably and safe with the bivalent vaccine until next year.

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