“Omicron” is spreading in Lebanon … the Minister of Health reveals the possibility of moving to close the country

Health Minister Firas Al-Abyad confirmed that “the decision to close the country is being carefully studied according to the available numbers and data, and the question is about the time period for this closure, especially since Lebanon’s situation is intolerable, but if the pace of spread accelerates, we are ready to take the decision.”

Al-Abyad pointed out, during a radio interview, that “all the efforts and attempts adopted by the ministry since the beginning of the month of holidays were to tighten the noose and reduce mixing to avoid reaching this measure, but the application on the ground was not enough,” explaining that “the sudden rise in infections indicates the spread of the virus.” A mutant (Omicron), which spends more time in the upper part of the respiratory system, so its symptoms are similar to seasonal flu, and work is underway to raise the capacity in hospitals,” praising “the numbers achieved by the Ministry through the vaccination marathon.”

He considered that “the new wave will be larger in terms of numbers, but its receding will be rapid.”

The Minister of Health also considered that “the problem of medicine is financial and part of it is related to the wrong policies that were followed previously,” noting that “the loss of medicines has created the black market that allows monopolists to sell them at high prices.”

He revealed that work is being done on a drug card that tracks the course of the drug from the moment it enters Lebanon until it reaches the citizen, to ensure that each patient receives his medicine and to control the movement of the drug, provided that the beginning is with the medicines of cancer patients, pointing out that “the availability of medicines for chronic diseases are distributed free of charge in health care centers.” distributed in the regions.

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He also announced that “support for dialysis supplies and heart stents is still in place, albeit in varying proportions, and includes a number of basic laboratory tests.”

On the government reality and the fate of the cabinet meetings, Al-Abyadh wished “if the government would meet yesterday before today, but things are waiting to be resolved in light of a clear failure to address our differences.”

In response to a question about his participation in the government, he replied: “I have never regretted my participation, and from the first moment it was clear that the burden was very heavy and difficult.”

Regarding the dialogue table called for by the President of the Republic, Al-Abyad pointed out “the necessity of separating dialogue and what politicians consider essential from the deteriorating living reality and addressing people’s needs.”


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