Omega 3 benefits for sex – a doctor explains

05:52 PM

Monday 03 April 2023

Books – Saber Najah:

Omega-3 acids are among the nutrients that the body needs on a daily basis, due to the amazing benefits they provide, some of which are beneficial to sexual health.

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In this regard, Dr. Osama Shair, Professor of Andrology at Kasr Al-Ainy Faculty of Medicine, said that omega-3 acids are of great importance for sexual health in both men and women.

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Also read: Omega 3 for men.. Here are the benefits

Barley identified the benefits of omega-3 acids for sexual health in the following points:

1- Omega-3 acids play a major role in increasing the number of sperm, improving their quality, and enhancing their motility.

2- Omega-3 acids prevent men from taking stimulants, such as Viagra, because they help to enhance the sexual ability of men.

3- Omega-3 acids contribute to increasing fertility in women, thanks to their ability to improve the production of female hormones.

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According to Medical News Today, omega-3 acids can be relied upon to treat erectile dysfunction, due to its effective role in lowering harmful cholesterol in the blood, allowing oxygen-laden blood to flow smoothly into the peripheral blood vessels.

And a previous study revealed that men who take fish oil pills have high fertility, and the reason is due to the cycle of omega-3 acids increasing testosterone levels in the body, according to the “News-Medical” website.

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However, a professor of andrology recommended taking omega-3 capsules and foods rich in them, such as salmon, sardines and olive oil, in moderation, because excessive amounts may threaten the body with a set of damages, most notably:

– diarrhoea.


– Nausea.

– bleeding.

– brain attack.

At the end of his speech, Shair stressed the need to consult a doctor before taking fish oil pills, to find out the safe dose per day.

Also read: Omega-3 overdose.. What does it do to your health?



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