Olomouc Gears Up for a Future of Water Abundance: A 20-Year Vision Amid Persistent Challenges

Olomouc Gears Up for a Future of Water Abundance: A 20-Year Vision Amid Persistent Challenges

The current level of anti-flood measures should keep the Morava River in the dike system, according to experts, the water level in Nové Sady will not even reach the originally notified five meters at the peak. “I would like to reassure the citizens of Olomouc that, according to experts, the worst-case scenario of the 1997 flood will not be fulfilled. Nevertheless, local flooding of lower-lying cellars or basement spaces can still occur, mainly due to the high groundwater level and saturated soil,” Olomouc Mayor Miroslav Žbánek commented on the current situation.

The worst situation is expected in Chomoutov, where the city is now concentrating flood protection. “We still have to be careful in the territory of Chomoutov. Although we do not expect draconian scenarios here either, the river may overflow its banks in some places. Therefore, at the moment, we are deploying tandem sandbags and anti-flood mobile barriers at critical points. We also distribute bags and sand directly on the spot among the locals,” added the mayor.

On Saturday, the second degree of flood activity, on Sunday, the third

Due to the predicted still heavy precipitation, the situation can understandably still change. It is still raining intensely in Jeseníky, which continues to affect the level of the Morava River. According to the rain gauge stations, approximately 140 mm of rain fell in Jeseníky from Thursday to this morning, and about 90 mm of rain fell in the rest of the monitored area. Javorník, Vidnava and Jeseník show values ​​of around 150 to 180 mm of precipitation, surface water from this area flows into the streams Javornický potok, Vidnava and Bělá, which further flow into Polish territory.

In Olomouc, the Morava River is currently at the first level of flood activity, from Saturday 10 p.m. the second level will be announced. She should probably reach the third stage during Sunday. “It means that the retention capacity of the levees will be filled, which may look ominous, but at the moment there is no risk of spillage. Nevertheless, we warn citizens not to take unnecessary risks and stay in the vicinity of waterways,” warned Jan Langr, secretary of the flood commission of the city of Olomouc.

Although, with the exception of Chomoutov, there is no risk of overflowing the banks in the city, in most parts of the city, residents must expect that due to the leveling of the streams, groundwater may seep in, which also poses a threat especially to basements and lower-lying properties. “Particularly in the locations of Černovír, Hejčín, Lazce and Klášterní Hradisko, citizens must expect that their gardens will be flooded,” added Langr.

Even in the Domovina and Dolní Novosadská localities, it cannot be ruled out that lower-lying places will be flooded. “Spills must also be expected at the site of the construction of flood protection measures in the south of the city. We pay attention to the location and ask citizens not to enter the flooded and waterlogged area, not to stay near trees and also not to park their vehicles in these locations. However, there is still a danger of falling trees in the adjacent area and around the gravel and sand areas, where water levels are rising,” warned Petr Loyka, head of the municipality’s environmental department.

The emergency service of the protection department of the Municipality of Olomouc continues to monitor the situation on waterways and the hydrometeorological forecast. “At the same time, the remaining members of the municipality’s emergency service are on full alert, helping colleagues from the protection department as needed. The main task of the office is to ensure that citizens are informed. We will continuously clarify the situation,” added the secretary of the municipality, Marek Černý.

More information about the situation can be found on the website The Morava basin a Czech Hydrometeorological Institute. In this context, we also point out the possible risks of contact with contaminated water. You can find out how to protect yourself on the website Regional hygiene stations of the Olomouc region.

Basic advice for citizens in flood-prone areas:

  • Follow the instructions of mayors of municipalities and IZS units.
  • Follow the development of the situation in mass media, for example through public media, social networks of the HZS regions, social networks and other communication channels of your municipalities, ČHMÚ. Follow both local news and weather warnings.
  • Have an adequate supply of drinking water.
  • Prepare your evacuation luggage
  • Charge your mobile phones, charge and prepare your power banks.
  • Prepare your homes in case of a flood.

Recommendations to mitigate the consequences of the phenomena:

  • Remove, clean, or secure anything around the structure that could be washed away by water.
  • Find out in advance where the water and gas shut-offs are and how to close them quickly in case of evacuation, how to turn off the fuses. Unplug electrical appliances that you are not using at the moment.
  • If possible, move expensive furniture and valuables to higher floors. Damage to an unprepared house can be up to ten times higher than to a house that is cleared and prepared for the arrival of a flood.
  • Prepare sandbags and sealing foils, and secure the sewer and toilet drain plugs.
  • Secure chemicals that could potentially contaminate water and the environment.

What are the current ⁣anti-flood measures being implemented in Olomouc‌ to address the rising Morava River?

Olomouc Prepares for ‍Floods: ⁤Expert Assurances and Precautions

As the Morava River continues​ to ‍rise, experts and officials in Olomouc are​ working to reassure‍ citizens⁢ that the current level of anti-flood​ measures⁣ should keep the river within​ the dike system. Despite this, local flooding of lower-lying cellars⁢ or basement spaces is still ‍possible due to ‍high groundwater levels and saturated soil.

Situation in Chomoutov ‍Critical

The city is concentrating its flood protection ‍efforts in Chomoutov, where the situation is expected to be the worst. Although draconian scenarios are unlikely, the river may still ‍overflow⁣ its ⁢banks in some⁢ areas. To⁤ mitigate this, the city is deploying tandem sandbags and anti-flood⁣ mobile barriers at critical⁤ points, distributing bags and sand directly to locals.

Rainfall and Flood Activity Levels

Heavy precipitation is still ‍predicted, affecting the Morava ⁢River’s water level.⁤ From Thursday to Saturday, approximately 140 mm of rain fell in Jeseníky, with 90 mm falling in the rest of the monitored area. The rain ⁣gauge stations ⁤in Javorník, Vidnava, and⁢ Jeseník reported values of around 150 to 180 mm of precipitation.

Flood Activity Levels

The ⁢Morava River​ is currently at the first level of flood activity, with the second level⁤ expected to⁣ be announced on Saturday at 10 p.m. The third level is predicted ⁢for Sunday. While the retention capacity of the levees will be filled, there is no risk ⁤of spillage, and citizens⁤ are ‍warned not ​to take ‌unnecessary risks and ⁢stay away from waterways.

Potential Flooding in Olomouc

While⁣ there is no risk of overflowing banks in most parts⁤ of the ⁤city, residents should expect ​groundwater seepage, which‌ poses a threat​ to basements and lower-lying properties. Areas such as Černovír, Hejčín, Lazce, and Klášterní Hradisko are expected to be flooded. Lower-lying places in Domovina and Dolní Novosadská localities may also be affected.

Precautions ⁤and Recommendations

Citizens are advised to:

Follow instructions from mayors of⁣ municipalities and IZS units

⁣Stay informed ⁤through mass media, social networks, ⁣and communication channels⁢ of municipalities and ČHMÚ

Have an adequate supply of drinking water

Prepare ​evacuation luggage

Charge mobile phones and power banks

​Prepare homes in case⁤ of a flood

To mitigate the consequences of flooding, residents should:

Remove, clean, or secure anything around structures that ‌could​ be washed away

Stay away from flooded and waterlogged areas

Avoid parking vehicles in these locations

Be cautious of falling trees in adjacent‌ areas

Stay Informed ⁣and Safe

The ⁢emergency service of the protection department of​ the Municipality of Olomouc continues to⁣ monitor the situation⁣ on ⁣waterways‍ and ⁤the hydrometeorological forecast. More information ‍can⁢ be found on the websites of the Morava​ basin, the ⁤Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, and⁢ the Regional ‌hygiene stations‌ of⁤ the Olomouc region.

Remember, safety is the top priority⁤ in flood-prone areas. Stay informed, follow ⁤guidelines, and⁢ take necessary precautions ⁤to minimize the‍ risk of flooding and its ⁣consequences.

SEO keywords: Olomouc, floods, Morava River, ⁢anti-flood measures, ⁢Chomoutov, flood activity levels,‌ rainfall, groundwater⁣ levels, precipitation, flood protection, evacuations, emergency services, power outages,‌ water crisis, ‍Czech Republic, flood disaster,⁢ climate change.

Olomouc flood relief efforts. What measures are being taken to prevent flooding in Olomouc during heavy rainfall?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of flood measures in Olomouc, Czech Republic:

Flood Alert in Olomouc: Experts Say Morava River Will Not Reach Critical Level

As heavy rainfall continues to affect the Jeseníky region, the city of Olomouc is taking proactive measures to mitigate the impact of flooding on its citizens. According to experts, the current level of anti-flood measures should keep the Morava River within the dike system, and the water level in Nové Sady is not expected to reach the originally notified five meters at the peak.

Reassuring the Citizens

“I would like to reassure the citizens of Olomouc that, according to experts, the worst-case scenario of the 1997 flood will not be fulfilled,” said Olomouc Mayor Miroslav Žbánek. “Nevertheless, local flooding of lower-lying cellars or basement spaces can still occur, mainly due to the high groundwater level and saturated soil.”

Chomoutov: The Worst-Affected Area

The worst situation is expected in Chomoutov, where the city is now concentrating flood protection efforts. “We still have to be careful in the territory of Chomoutov. Although we do not expect draconian scenarios here either, the river may overflow its banks in some places. Therefore, at the moment, we are deploying tandem sandbags and anti-flood mobile barriers at critical points. We also distribute bags and sand directly on the spot among the locals,” added the mayor.

Flood Activity Levels

On Saturday, the second degree of flood activity was announced, and on Sunday, the third degree is expected. “It means that the retention capacity of the levees will be filled, which may look ominous, but at the moment there is no risk of spillage. Nevertheless, we warn citizens not to take unnecessary risks and stay in the vicinity of waterways,” warned Jan Langr, secretary of the flood commission of the city of Olomouc.

Other Affected Areas

In addition to Chomoutov, other areas in Olomouc may experience flooding, including Černovír, Hejčín, Lazce, and Klášterní Hradisko, where citizens must expect that their gardens will be flooded. Even in the Domovina and Dolní Novosadská localities, it cannot be ruled out that lower-lying places will be flooded.

Safety Precautions

The city’s emergency service is urging citizens to take necessary precautions to stay safe. “Spills must also be expected at the site of the construction of flood protection measures in the south of the city. We pay attention to the location and ask citizens not to enter the flooded and waterlogged area, not to stay near trees and also not to park their vehicles in these locations. However, there is still a danger of falling trees in the adjacent area and around the gravel and sand areas, where water levels are rising,” warned Petr Loyka, head of the municipality’s environmental department.

Information and Resources

Citizens can find more information about the situation on the website of the Morava basin and the



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