Olla Ramlan Still Gives Birthday Greetings to Aufar Hutapea, Gets a Word of Love in return

TRIBUNNEWS.COM – Olla Ramlan now wishing Aufa Hutapea a happy birthday.

Is known, Olla Ramlan has officially filed for divorce from her husband on March 23, 2022, then.

The divorce process is already underway.

Despite having filed for divorce, Olla Ramlan shows that they still have a good relationship with Aufar Hutapea.

Now, Olla Ramlan wish Aufar a happy birthday.

Through her Instagram account, @ollaramlan, this mother of two wrote her hopes for the man who accompanied her for 10 years.

Read also: Almost a year apart from house with Aufar Hutapea, Olla Ramlan misses moments with children

Olla hopes Aufar finds the best in his life.

Olla also calls Aufar Bestie.

“Today and every day, wishing only the best for you Bestie….

Happy Milad Brother @aufar.hutapea



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