Olivier Dussopt’s ideas for full employment

2023-12-16 14:30:03

The road to full employment requires the enactment of more demanding rules for workers. In a daily interview The echoes on Friday December 15, Olivier Dussopt announced a “act II of the reform” of the labor market. While the unemployment rate rose to 7.4% in the third quarter – far from the 5% targeted by Emmanuel Macron – the Minister of Labor considers it necessary to“accelerate implementation” changes made at the start of the five-year term. A speech which echoes those, recent and cascading, of Bruno Le Maire, his colleague in charge of the economy. Parliament should be seized in the first half of 2024.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Full employment: Emmanuel Macron facing the challenge of rising unemployment

While being careful not to“mention specific measures”, Mr. Dussopt confirms that some of the avenues mentioned at the beginning of December by Mr. Le Maire are being studied. So it goes “time limit for legal challenge” layoffs, which is currently twelve months, one of the largest in Europe, according to Mr. Dussopt. ” It is too long “ et “this might slow down hiring”considers the Minister of Labor, but he does not go so far as to propose a quantum, while Mr. Le Maire suggested reducing this deadline to two months.

On the fate of seniors deprived of employment, Mr. Dussopt implicitly distances himself from Mr. Le Maire. The tenant of Bercy had pleaded for the duration of compensation for unemployed people over 55 to be lowered, so as to align it with that of others, which is less favorable. Mr. Dussopt, for his part, seems to suggest that this duration of payment of the allowance would remain unchanged, but applicable for those over 57, in order to “adapt to pension reform”, which shifted the legal age of departure by two years. Likewise, the age from which unemployed people can continue to receive compensation until they are entitled to a full pension “must go from 62 to 64”.

Regarding the conventional termination, Mr. Dussopt thinks that the government must “preserve it”, but by making adjustments. She is “sometimes used for employees aged 58 or 59 as a form of early retirement which does not say its name”. Therefore, it is necessary “find a way to prevent this windfall effect which penalizes the employment of seniors”.

“Will to interfere”

Very succinctly, the Minister of Labor expresses the wish to improve “social dialogue, which is difficult to implement when there are no unions in the company”. A very sensitive problem since the challenge is to identify staff representatives, in small companies, who can negotiate without being under the influence of the hierarchy. Mr. Dussopt also expressed his wish to « doubler » the number of checks on the unemployed. Finally, when asked regarding the financing of social protection, he uttered an intriguing sentence regarding the pension reform promulgated in mid-April: it “preserve our system (…) by distribution but it does not extinguish all the debates and reflections which remain before us ». As if he wanted to instill the idea that the issue might return to the forefront by 2027.

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