Olivia Collins: From Hearing Loss to Mediumship – A Journey Through Paranormal Encounters and Personal Growth

The actress Olivia Collins attended as a guest on the program “Qué buena hora” on Unicable, where she talked about one of her terrifying paranormal experiences and how her lack of hearing has allowed her to develop what she considers a special gift.

The former participant of “Las estrellas bailan en Hoy” revealed a few days ago that she was diagnosed with deafness since she was in high school. However, far from being a problem, she feels proud of the person she has become and how her condition has challenged her to be.

Specifically, during the recent interview, Olivia explained that her hearing disorder led her to develop her other senses and, with that, to connect with an astral plane: “I believe that in my silence I hear other light beings as from the underworld,” she said.

Olivia also stated that she is convinced she is a medium, that is, a person who acts as a mediator between disembodied spirits and living beings.

She added that, although she has had beautiful experiences related to other dimensions, she has also faced fearful situations, like the time she had to undergo an exorcism.

“There was a very, very strong entity. Very negative that, in fact, spoke to one of my daughters and told her that it was going to kill me, that I was going to die, and yes, I was almost dead,” Collins said.

According to her account, the spirit had taken control of her, and recalling it gave her chills.

She also mentioned that she feels she vibrates on another frequency and, therefore, can connect with various astral realms depending on her mood. “If I’m in depression, I connect with lower planes,” she stated.

Previously, Collins explained that she has a 70% hearing loss and that it is a genetic condition, as both her parents, some nieces, and other relatives also suffer from it.

At the beginning of her acting career, she had to learn to read lips and memorize texts. Later, she was able to buy hearing aids and also had to learn to speak correctly.



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