Olga Rapunzel turns her daughters against Dmitry Dmitrenko

Evgeny Vasiliev

1 time ago

Having learned about the beginning of the divorce proceedings in the family of Dmitrenko and Rapunzel, fans of the reality show expressed hope for the reconciliation of the spouses. But now this is out of the question.

Many fans of one of the most emotional and scandalous couples in Dom-2 have recently increasingly taken the side of Dmitry Dmitrenko. Firstly, they are well aware that Rapunzel’s tantrums and impulsiveness cannot be tolerated for a long time, and secondly, Olga’s mother became an inevitable participant in family conflicts of ex-stars of a reality show, albeit at a distance. So poor Dmitrenko had to stand against his eccentric wife and mother-in-law. But now the man’s patience has come to an end. It was Dmitry who initiated the divorce proceedings.

However, scandals and intrigues, as practice shows, are just beginning. According to the lawyer Dmitrenko, Rapunzel is already trying to turn her daughters against her own father, the mother-in-law is also trying her best, demonstrating how bad a husband and father Dmitry was. But he himself holds on steadfastly, because he believes that the love between him and his wife has not yet passed, although he understands that there is no chance to save the family.

“We constantly argue, find out the relationship. In my opinion, a man in a family should make important, necessary decisions, and Olga is trying to manipulate, making me run after her. But still – this is love, interesting, emotional, burning. For me, this is the greatest love in life, ”admits Dmitrenko.

Life in “House-2” was easier than outside.

Rapunzel herself is still laconic. The spouses do not have a dispute about property and children, but the situation may change. According to Olga, they have nothing more to save, there have been problems for a long time, they could not be eliminated, so the only way out is a divorce. According to fans, the star couple could not keep their family outside the project, where their scandals and quarrels played positively on the overall popularity, and Dmitrenko and Rapunzel were not ready for life without cameras and spectators. Therefore, their claims to each other and unwillingness to compromise only exacerbated the situation and led it to such a denouement.

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