Old people must know! Tropical Medicine Hospital Warning before buying tickets Check the necessary vaccines to prevent endemic diseases in the destination country.

When the elderly leave Tropical Medicine Hospital Reminder before booking tickets Check the necessary vaccines to prevent endemic diseases of the destination country.

At 15.00 on July 1, at Samyan Mitrtown Hall, 5th floor, Samyan Mitrtown Shopping Center, Matichon Public Company Limited or Matichon Group joins forces with leading alliances. including 14 public and private hospitals, agencies under the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH), as well as the private sector Organized the Health Care Fair 2022 under the theme “Healthcare 2022, the universe of the elderly” Reinforcing the strength of the leader of the No. 1 health fair in Thailand for the 14th consecutive year, during June 30 – July 3

Dr. San Muangnoycharoen, MD. Deputy Director of Tropical Medicine Hospital addressed in the forum talk “How does Aging Traveling prepare for health? when the elderly will leave that the Tropical Medicine Hospital is located near the Victory Monument which provides services for almost all types of internal medicine patients But we specialize in tropical diseases. whether flu, parasitic diseases, as well as providing alternative medicine services Home care for the elderly, travel and tourism medicine and is a teaching and research center of Mahidol University. You must first know yourself if there are any congenital diseases that need to be treated. You need to consult your personal doctor first about what to do. Then vaccinated against disease. Since the annual flu, shingles

Dr. San said that While the diet of the elderly will have less digestion. Therefore, eating buffet is not recommended. Because it will cause bloating, indigestion, however, the belief that influenza vaccination causes illness It must be learned that the side effects after vaccination depend on the person. but it can happen The data showed that most of them were mild, such as pain at the injection site and some fever. Medical advice recommends 608 risk groups to get injections every year because they are at risk of severe symptoms that can lead to death.

Dr. San Muangnoycharoen, MD. Deputy Director of Tropical Medicine Hospital (Mike holder)

Asst.Prof.Dr. Wasin Matsi Head of Travel and Travel Clinic, said that tourism medicine clinics have been around for almost 20 years, and most of them are known to foreigners. But when Thai people start traveling more, they get to know each other better. for traveling in the elderly We have to ask ourselves whether we will travel and see a doctor or not. Because traveling to certain areas is at risk of contracting the epidemic. or countries with different physical geography There are different health risks. Therefore, a travel medicine clinic must consult before traveling, for example, what vaccinations are required to go to South Africa. In addition, they took care of them after returning, such as going to India and coming back with illnesses. If there are skin lesions, they can be treated, but the important thing is Before traveling, vaccination is an important tool to prevent disease. The travel medicine clinic provides advice and provides injection services, such as influenza vaccines. prevent pneumonia

“Traveling is a human instinct. longing for travel Especially during covids that make people feel dry. Despite the use of technology travel through the screen but not as much as traveling by myself For seniors who like to travel a lot After retirement, I have free time and money, so I want to travel. But the problem is that many people don’t know what health risks the destination is. For example, South America has to be vaccinated against yellow fever. or the journey must go up high, so many people who come to consult before traveling Found that there are restrictions on vaccinations, such as booking a trip to Africa South America requiring yellow fever vaccination because this disease is not found in our home But found in Africa, America, where live vaccines Injected and have immune boosting, but found that the old people who already have reduced immunity after vaccination have a higher chance than normal people to get yellow fever from the vaccine. Therefore, before booking a trip need to study local diseases well What vaccines do I need to inject? And can we inject it?” Asst. Prof. Dr. Wasin said

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Asst. Prof. Dr. Wasin Matsi, Head of Travel and Travel Clinic

side Miss Jintapat Khemrattrakul Nursing specializing in the elderly Tropical Medicine Hospital said that the preparation of the elderly before traveling must plan well especially health If you have to travel long distances, it is recommended to be the place where the airline travels. In the case of knee problems, the airline must inform the airline 3 days prior to travel so that wheelchairs can be prepared. Choose an aisle seat to make it easier for you to get up to go to the bathroom. The preparation of personal medicines which is very important therefore have to prepare enough for the travel date All medicines should not be put in the checked baggage.

Ms. Jintapat said Before traveling, you must get enough sleep. to prevent dizziness during travel In the case of a car, there will be a technique to warm up before getting into the car. Reduce aches and pains while traveling Because even going to the nearby beach, it’s 2 hours already. By warming up before traveling or getting into the car, there are 3 positions: 1. Waist exercises, separate your legs to fit your shoulders, take your hands on both sides of your waist, twist your waist to the left, alternate right slowly, do it all. 5-10 laps. 2nd position. Put your hands and feet on the waist on both sides and lean back in a curved position. And the 3rd position, hold your arms in a U shape. Then turn your shoulders and flick them backwards.

The priority is to travel long distances. is to drink water Many people avoid drinking water. because I do not want to urinate including urinary incontinence which without water We will be beriberi. therefore having to sip water and have time to stretch the legs then turn the ankle to exercise the body while traveling And emphasize that don’t be afraid to tell your children that they want to go to the bathroom. It takes time to find a toilet with a flush. better than sitting Because if finding a bathroom in a hurry will cause an accident Another recommendation is to wear adult diapers as well.” Ms. Jintapat said

Let’s build an aging society to be strong and happy together in “Healthcare 2022 The Universe of the Elderly” by Matichon Group. Between June 30 and July 3, 2022 from 10:30 AM to 8:00 PM at Samyan Mitrtown Hall, 5th floor, Samyan Mitrtown Shopping Center.

Matichon Publishing has set up a Healthy Book Fair booth at the entrance hall of Samyan Mitrtown Hall. Selling books in the Matichon group and friends of publishers at a special price, with best-selling books and books in the health category up to 20 percent off, up to 25 percent

Miss Jintapat Khemrattrakul Nursing specializing in the elderly Tropical Medicine Hospital

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