Oil barrel how many liters site

Oil barrel how many litersOil is one of the most important resources in the world, as it is subject to refining processes that produce petroleum products that are used in many very important industries. It is also the main source of fuel for all means of transportation and machinery. And we will know through a website how many liters are in a barrel of oil.

What is the barrel unit?

A barrel is one of several units, where there are both dry barrels and liquid barrels as oil drums. Drum unit sizes also vary but the common use is 100 to 200 liters. The name of the barrel is derived from the French baryl, and it has been used since antiquity in most countries as an approved unit of measurement.[1]

Oil barrel how many liters

A barrel is an American standard unit for crude oil extraction, and has a volume of 158,98723 liters, or 42 gallons. It is also used to measure the percentage of natural gas in oil. It is worth noting that the barrel unit used to measure the volume of fluids other than oil in the United States of America is only 31.5 gallons. A barrel of crude oil produces 169 liters of different petroleum materials. The percentage of petroleum materials produced from a barrel of oil varies according to the refining processes. The following are the petroleum products that are produced from refining one barrel of oil:

  • The diesel is 38 liters.
  • Distillation residue 4.70 liters.
  • Jet fuel 14.80 liters.
  • Gasoline 73.25 liters.
  • Gas issue 6.51 liters.
  • Heavy fuel oil 6.35 liters.
  • other products 25.73 liters.

See also: Where does the oil come from?

oil barrel components

Oil goes through several stages to obtain several products from it, most notably:

  • Gasoline and Diesel: From each barrel of crude oil, a quantity of commercial fuel can be extracted from a barrel of crude oil ranging between 56.7 and 66.2 liters. Then 46.1% of the barrel of crude oil is converted to diesel, through the process of atmospheric distillation of oil at a temperature ranging between 200 and 380 degrees Celsius. Diesel is used as a fuel for heating and in diesel engines.
  • bitumen: 11.2% of a barrel of oil produces bitumen, a material used to produce asphalt that is used to cover roofs to prevent leakage, as well as in various types of buildings and projects. 10.8% of gasoline is extracted from the barrel, which is a mixture of unstable hydrocarbons, the quality of which is improved by adding other substances. This fuel is used in combustion engines.
  • naphtha material: It is extracted through direct distillation of crude oil, where naphtha represents 10% of the barrel. This substance is used in the manufacture of a certain type of gasoline used as an industrial solvent.
  • Kerosene: It is used as a fuel for cooking, lighting, cooling equipment and engines. It is extracted by 6.1%. It is also used in aircraft and turbine movements following undergoing a special refining process.
  • fuel oil: It includes all heavy materials, as it is extracted from the barrel of oil by 3.1%. It is burned in order to provide energy for boilers, power generation facilities and ships. Gases are extracted at a rate of 1.8%, which are used for domestic consumption in kitchens and heating, and are widely used in many industrial processes.
  • Lubricants: The lubricant extracted is 0.5%, which plays an important role in preventing continuous friction between engine parts to maintain its integrity.
  • Other materials extracted from the oil barrel amount to 10.4%, as they are used in the manufacture of plastics and chemical fertilizers, in addition to some food and medical materials, and in the textile industry.

oil benefits

After extracting crude oil from the ground, some technical operations are performed on it, and the following are the benefits of oil:

  • It is used to generate electrical power.
  • It is used in many industries, the most famous of which are plastics and petroleum jelly, as well as aspirin.
  • The use of oil and its derivatives in the cosmetic, body, hair and skin care industries.
  • Its use in agriculture, pesticides and fertilizers.

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The largest oil exporting countries in the world

There are many oil producing and exporting countries, and the following is a list of oil exporting countries:

  • Kingdom Saudi Arabia: It comes at the forefront of oil-exporting countries, with a total of 6.49 million barrels per day. Where it outperforms the United States of America, Russia and China. The Kingdom also maintains its first rank in the list of major suppliers of crude oil globally, despite the fact that it bears the largest proportion of the production cut agreement within the (OPEC) alliance. It is noteworthy that Saudi Arabia exports, in normal circumstances, regarding 7.6 million barrels per day.
  • Russia: It is the second largest exporter of crude oil in the world. Its exports average 4.7 million barrels per day. It also ranks second with the largest production rate of 10 million barrels per day. Russia also participates with Saudi Arabia in production cut agreements, in order to raise oil prices. It is currently implementing a reduction policy of 900,000 barrels per day, as part of a total reduction of 7.2 million barrels per day from the countries participating in OPEC.
  • Iraq: It comes in third place and came as the largest exporter of crude oil in the world. Where the average daily exports amounted to 3.3 million barrels per day. Iraq is also ranked second in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries as the largest producer following Saudi Arabia, with 4.6 million barrels in normal conditions.
  • United States of America: It ranks fourth globally as the largest exporter of crude oil in the world. As its daily exports averaged 3.1 million barrels per day. It also occupies the lead as the largest producer of crude, with a daily average of up to 13 million barrels in normal times.
  • Canada: It is ranked fifth as the largest exporter of crude oil in the world. Its daily average exports are 2.92 million barrels per day. While its average daily production is approximately 3.45 million barrels per day.
  • China: It ranks as the sixth largest exporter of crude oil in the world. And that’s an average of 4,779,000 barrels per day exports.
  • Iran: It ranked seventh as the largest exporter of crude oil in the world. Its average exports are 4,695,000 barrels per day.
  • The United Arab Emirates: It is the eighth largest exporter of crude oil in the world. With an average export of 3,721,000 barrels per day.
  • Brazil: It ranks as the ninth largest exporter of crude oil in the world, as its exports averaged 3,363,000 barrels per day.
  • Kuwait: It is the tenth largest exporter of crude oil in the world. This averages 2,825,000 barrels per day.

Here we come to the conclusion of our article in which we got acquainted with oil barrel how many liters, We also reviewed the components and benefits of a barrel of oil, as well as talking regarding the largest oil-exporting countries in the world.

the reviewer

  1. ^
    quora , One barrel is equal to how many liters? , 05/03/2022



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