2023-11-13 10:39:07
Under the title “Fight for the education of tomorrow!” The ÖH makes important demands for the urgently needed reform of teacher training courses.
Vienna (OTS) – The teacher training reform, which has been announced several times, has been awaited for many months – an intolerable situation for the Austrian Student Union (ÖH). The chairmanship team presented a detailed position and vision paper at a press conference. “There is an urgent need for comprehensive improvements and reforms when it comes to teaching. This ranges from abolishing the requirement to have a master’s degree to optimizations in the curricula and improvements in the working conditions of teachers. We call on politicians to initiate a rapid reform plan with our demands “, said the ÖH chairmanship team consisting of Nina Mathies, Sarah Rossmann and Simon Neuhold.
The entire position and vision paper can be found at the following link:
Questions & Contact:
ÖH – Austrian Student Union
Samuel Hafner
Public Relations Officer
+43 699 10518567
#ÖH #presents #position #vision #paper #teacher #training #reform #study