Officials, workers and capitalists cannot share sick leave

To this day, the employer pays the employee for the second and third days of illness in the amount of 75% of the employee’s income, and from the fourth to the ninth day in the amount of at least 80 percent. Starting from the 10th day, if the sick leave remains valid, then the state takes on the payment for illness.

Employers complain that the amount of sick leave payments is very high and often the employee receives sick leave without any reason.

Trade unions representing the interests of employees are categorically once morest any changes that would worsen the financial situation of employees on sick leave.

Since the government’s social partners themselves – employers and trade unions – might not agree on any compromise, two ministries – the Economy and Welfare – came up with their own compromise proposal. What do the ministries propose?

The second and third days of illness are paid to the employee in the amount of 60% of the salary. Paid by the employer.

The employer pays the employee from the 4th to the 8th day of illness inclusive, but in the amount of 70% of the salary.

And from the 9th day onwards, the state takes over payment for sick leave and pays 75% of the salary.

However, such a “compromise” has further outraged the trade unions. “If they push their proposal further, we will react sharply and take unusual steps,” threatened the chairman of the Free Trade Union Confederation, Egils Baldzens, without specifying, however, what these unusual protests will be expressed in.

The head of the trade unions noted that the reduction in the amount of sick pay would automatically lead to a reduction in the income of local governments from personal income tax. The losses of local governments might reach 49 million euros.

Such attempts to reduce sick leave payments contradict the government’s declaration and the promises that, as Baldzens emphasized, helped politicians get their mandates.

We will risk assuming that the ministries will not fight with the trade unions and, most likely, will not give the green light to their “compromise”, proposing to the social partners to hold another round of negotiations.

#Officials #workers #capitalists #share #sick #leave
2024-07-09 07:04:17



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