Officials will not be able to promote the revocation of AMLO’s mandate, determines the TEPJF

The specialized room Electoral Court of the Judicial Power of the Federation (TEPJF) warned that the decree that allows public servants to promote electoral processes does not apply to the Revocation from Mandate.

The Congress of the Union approved a decree to allow officials demonstrate regarding the process of Revocation of Mandate without being considered an act of propaganda governmental.

Although the Specialized Chamber of the TEPJF recognized in public session the validity of what was approved pointed out that the decree cannot be applied to the fiscal year of next April 10 due to non-compliance with the temporality established in the article 105 constitutional.

The Constitution states that modifications such as those made regarding government propaganda must be approved at least 90 days before of the start of the elections.

The issue of the decree came to light due to the analysis of a complaint once morest President Andrés Manuel López Obrador for his Third Government Report, held on December 1, 2021.

Judge Luis Espíndola presented a sentence proposal in which he detailed that AMLO’s event violated electoral regulations by promoting government actions and achievements when the electoral processes had already begun in Aguascalientes, Durango, Oaxaca and Tamaulipas.

Given that the head of the Executive cannot be sanctioned directly, the magistrates of the Specialized Chamber of the Electoral Tribunal agreed to instruct the spokesperson for the Presidency and the local electoral institutes of the four states involved to publish extracts of the resolution.

Also give view of the sentence to the Internal Control Body of the Presidency and the Technical Unit of Electoral Contentious.

With information from López-Dóriga Digital

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