Official website of the city of Myrhorod. Official site of the Myrhorod City Council

Looking for ways to improve your resilience, emotional balance, and overall well-being? We invite you to the Center for Sustainability of the Myrhorod community, which is located on the territory of the resort “Myrhorodkurort” (“Poltava” sanatorium). The multidisciplinary team of the Resilience Center will provide you with support, help you increase self-confidence, find harmony in everyday life, develop the ability to be emotionally and mentally stable and productive, even during crisis situations.

We offer:

  • Individual and group consultations:

psychologists will help you develop stress resistance skills, cope with today’s challenges, conduct counseling and diagnosis. By participating in group activities, you will have the opportunity to connect with people who are dealing with similar challenges, share experiences and become useful to the community.

  • Trainings and seminars:

training programs on stress management for adults under the program “Self-help. Plus”, development of personal qualities and support of mental health.

  • Restorative practices:

relaxation techniques and breathing exercises, art therapy to improve mental and physical condition.

  • Personal development courses:

development of skills to achieve goals, digital literacy training, familiarization with grant programs and training courses offered by the employment center.

  • Support and mutual assistance groups for Defenders of Ukraine, veterans and their family members:

social activity and interaction in a team, practices to improve mental health and adaptation to civilian life, family counseling, legal assistance (registration of benefits, appeal of the decision of the VLK, obtaining UBD, etc.), support in finding a job.

  • For children and teenagers:

trainings for the development of emotional intelligence, effective communication, support groups for teenagers, training in emotion management.

individual and family counseling from a psychologist, and we also offer to join the work of the “Parents’ Club” under the “Parenthood without stress” program.

  • Emotional support group for older people.

For detailed information about the schedule of events, call us at the number: +38 (095)-468-98-00

Address: Myrhorod, st. Gogol, building 112, (sanatorium “Poltava”)

Work schedule: from Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturday and Sunday are closed


Join us and start your journey to inner harmony!

The project is implemented by the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine as part of the All-Ukrainian mental health program “How are you?”, of First Lady Olena Zelenska.

The sustainability center is a safe, barrier-free space where every resident of the community can receive a comprehensive social service for the formation of sustainability.



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