Official statement from Continental Towers El Salvador regarding people with arrest warrants 2024-02-27 19:57:55 2024-02-27 19:57:56

Given the recent media reports about arrest warrants issued against a former employee and other individuals in the country and the region, Continental Towers El Salvador dissociates itself from these subjects and makes a clarification in this regard.

“Continental Towers El Salvador has had no participation or knowledge of the alleged private commercial activities of Gaitán Castro, Jorge Leonel Gaitán Paredes, or other individuals involved in the questioned conduct,” said Antonieta Granillo, General Manager of the company.

The business group reiterated that Jorge Alberto Gaitán Castro was removed from his position as supervisor of regional towers in October 2021, being completely separated from the company.

Likewise, Granillo added: «Our company has always operated in full and strict compliance with local and international law, including the duty to report irregularities to the authorities. Continental Towers El Salvador emphatically rejects any association or knowledge of the alleged conduct of Gaitán Castro, Gaitán Paredes or other individuals under investigation.

Continental Towers El Salvador, a leading provider of integrated telecommunications tower solutions founded in 2007, has expressed its commitment to providing services under the legal framework and transparency in all its operations, for this reason, it demonstrates its non-linkage to said network. scammers.

#Official #statement #Continental #Towers #Salvador #people #arrest #warrants

#Official #statement #Continental #Towers #Salvador #people #arrest #warrants

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