Official: Princess Katalin has cancer (video)

Katalin said: after her abdominal surgery performed in January, the medical expert’s opinion was that the intervention was not necessitated by a cancerous change.

The operation was successful, but the tests carried out afterwards revealed that it was a cancer

said the princess.

He added:

her doctors recommended preventive chemotherapy treatment, and this treatment is currently in the early stages.

Katalin said that the news came as a huge shock. He put it this way: Together with Vilmos, they will do everything in order to treat the process as a private matter for the sake of their young family.

The princess – with a clear reference to the long period that has passed without publishing detailed information since the operation – stated: it took time for her to recover sufficiently after the operation to start the treatment, and it also took time to explain what happened in an appropriate and reassuring way to their three children, György and Prince Lajos and Princess Sarolta.

I told them that I feel good and that I am getting stronger every day by focusing on things that will help me heal mentally, physically and spiritually

Princess Katalin said in her Friday evening video message.

He added that he is looking forward to returning to his public duties as soon as he can, but for now he must focus on a full recovery.

On January 17, the court announced that the princess underwent planned and successful abdominal surgery.

The information at the time did not address the reason for the intervention, but the court spokesman called it unlikely that the Princess of Wales would be able to return to her public duties before the period after Easter.

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Katalin left the London Clinic, a private hospital, on January 29 and is currently recovering at the family’s residence in Windsor. Kensington Palace – Vilmos and Katalin’s office in London – has not yet released details about the reason for the operation, although it initially emphasized that Katalin was not being treated for cancer.

In her video message on Friday, Katalin did not specify what kind of cancer it was.

The Princess of Wales has not attended any official events since Christmas; in the absence of official information, countless speculations about his condition circulated in the British press and on social media platforms.

Katalin’s 75-year-old father-in-law, III. King Károly – the father of Vilmos the heir to the throne – has also been treated for cancer since January, and although he is performing his official duties as head of state, he is currently not participating in public events either.

The court has not disclosed the exact nature of the monarch’s illness until now.

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