offer details on the start of the 2024-2025 school year

The Ministers of Education and Higher Education of Cuba confirmed the details of the next school year.

According to report According to the provincial press, Cuban Minister of Education Naima Trujillo is on a tour of the country to assess preparations for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year.

As has been announced, the start of classes in General Education in Cuba is scheduled for September 2, while Higher Education will begin its activities on September 16.

In this regard, Trujillo has emphasized the importance of guaranteeing the quality of education, ensuring that educational centers have the necessary resources to provide teaching in accordance with the demands of Cuban pedagogy.

He also stressed the need to complete the teaching force and “strengthen political and ideological instruction, with a focus on the study of the figure of Fidel Castro and the fight against cultural colonization.”

According to the report, during her visits to the provinces, the minister has addressed various topics, including the teaching of Cuban history, pedagogical training, technical and professional education, computerization and teaching of the English language.

Higher Education in Cuba

For his part, the Minister of Higher Education, Walter Baluja, has highlighted the challenge of synchronizing the academic calendar of both educational levels and has assured that the necessary materials are available to guarantee the start of the course.

According to him, the start of the new school year is expected to be a “celebration” throughout the country, with an enrollment of more than 1.6 million students in General Education and nearly a quarter of a million in Higher Education.

He said that in some Cuban universities, repair work was carried out on classrooms, laboratories, residences and other buildings.

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