Odd, providing first aid to supporters and athletes

2024-08-05 12:00:04
Red Cross volunteer rescuer Aude during an archery event at Les Invalides in Paris on August 3, 2024.

OG saw some Olympic sights during the first week of the Olympic Games (OG). From the nave of the Grand Palais, renovated for fencing competitions, to Les Invalides for archery competitions, passing through the fan zone in eastern Paris or the judo training room in Sevran (Seine-Saint-Denis), France’s Red Cross first aid Wearing an orange jacket with “Medical” written on it, he patrolled different locations. “Every day, it’s a new place, a new way of operating. We take instructions and adapt, that’s the daily routine of first responders. concluded the 30-year-old teammate.

A key link in the health system deployed during sports and festivals, some 8,000 first responders have been mobilized for the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games (JP) in Paris. “Body (bruises, bites), trauma, high fever, discomfort”, listed Ord (she is not giving her name and her organization requested anonymity for security reasons). They mainly support the public and the athletes’ loved ones.

Athletes, for their part, will first see their medical team. “There are several stages before we get to an athlete. Usually it’s a doctor or nurse from his federation who gets the priority to intervene,” describes the young woman. At the request of the medical community, rescuers can provide a stretcher or take simple actions designed to immediately relieve the athlete’s stress, such as providing them with ice to help cool them down.

English anatomy vocabulary

The young woman, who was engaged voluntarily, took four days off during the Olympics and two days during the Olympics, was appointed director of the Aub Hospital in 2021. “I’ve always been interested in supporting first responders. When you have responsibilities elsewhere, it’s important to go back to basics”she said. If in daily life, a civil servant spends most of her time in the office for meetings, her associative brackets allow her, “Instead, be on the frontline caring for and interacting with people.”

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So naturally she attended the Olympic Games in Paris: “I think this is a rare opportunity, explains the sports enthusiast who practices sailing and rock climbing. And, as a rescue worker, it seemed important to me to be able to go out there and engage with international people. » Ord was ready: She had revised her English anatomy vocabulary and was preparing to draft a memo translating basic first aid terminology into multiple languages.

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