The perpetrator tried to manipulate the crime scene to pretend that they had been victims of a robbery.
A commission of the Coordination of Investigations of Crimes Against People of the Maracay Municipal Delegation, Aragua state, arrested AK Kozakian (83), for blinding the life of his partner identified as Nadia Zeitoune de Kozakian (81).
The femicide occurred in the Tamanaco residences, Madre María de San José parish, Aragua state, on July 1.
After the relevant investigation into the homicide, it was found that the man took a Prieto Beretta brand pistol and killed his partner following having several discussions.
The octogenarian tried to manipulate the crime scene to pretend that they had been victims of a robbery.
The investigations located under a piece of furniture the firearm that the man used to perpetrate the act; remaining at the disposal of the 25th Prosecutor of the Public Ministry of the state of Aragua.
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