October 21 schedule for Nawaz Sharif’s return to Pakistan is final: Shehbaz Sharif

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The President of Pakistan Muslim League (N) and former Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has said that the October 21 program for Nawaz Sharif‘s return to Pakistan is final and directed the party leaders who are abroad to make preparations to welcome him to Pakistan.

Talking to the media in London, Muslim League (N) President Shehbaz Sharif said that Nawaz Sharif’s program is final and he is visiting Pakistan on October 21 and the people of Pakistan will give him a historic welcome.

He said that he requested his brothers and Muslim League leaders and leaders through the media to make their foreign trip after October 21 and prepare for the farewell of the leader.

He said that the party leaders are requested to meet the Quaid in London now in Pakistan.

After the return of Nawaz Sharif to a question regarding the narrative of Muslim League (N) before the elections, Shahbaz Sharif said that Nawaz Sharif is the architect of Pakistan’s development and happiness, during his tenure, 20, 20 hours of electricity. The outages have ended and load shedding has ended by generating 12,000 MW of electricity from the multi-billion dollar CPEC and Pakistan’s own resources.

He said that agriculture has turned green, industries that had closed their chimneys have run and employment has returned, exports have increased, inflation was the lowest in the country at 3.5 percent and the growth rate was 6.5 percent.

The former prime minister said that Nawaz Sharif is returning to Pakistan to continue this journey, the journey of development and happiness will continue.

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Interview with Shehbaz Sharif, President of ⁣Pakistan Muslim League (N)

Interviewer: Thank⁤ you for⁣ joining us, Mr. Sharif. Moving forward, your announcement regarding Nawaz Sharif’s ‍return is generating significant buzz.⁤ Can you ‍elaborate on what preparations‌ are being made for this event?

Shehbaz Sharif: Certainly! Nawaz Sharif’s return on October 21 is a pivotal moment for our party and the nation. We are directing our ‌party leaders⁢ abroad to ensure a warm and historic welcome for him upon his‌ arrival. ‍It’s essential that we signal our unity and​ readiness to support ⁢his vision‍ for Pakistan’s development.

Interviewer: ⁤You mentioned that Nawaz ‍is the​ architect of ⁢Pakistan’s development. In your view, how has his leadership ​shaped the ⁤present economic landscape and what are the expectations for ⁤the⁤ future?

Shehbaz Sharif: ​ During his tenure, Nawaz Sharif tackled critical issues like electricity shortages‌ and⁣ economic stability. With initiatives such as CPEC, we generated significant energy,‌ revitalized industries, and ⁤controlled inflation. His return signifies a recommitment⁣ to these principles, and we believe it will inspire renewed ⁤confidence in ‌our economic policies.

Interviewer: Some critics argue that ​the previous government faced challenges, including ‍economic instability and political opposition. How ‍do you ​address these concerns, and what guarantees can ⁢you⁤ provide that Nawaz’s upcoming leadership will yield better results?

Shehbaz Sharif: Every leadership faces challenges, but ‌we need to focus on the resilience and achievements made under Nawaz’s governance. Our‍ historical data⁣ shows significant progress ​in various sectors⁢ during his tenure. Moving forward,‌ we are transparent about our ‌goals and open ⁤to feedback ⁤from the public.

Interviewer: There seems to be‍ a split in public opinion​ regarding Nawaz Sharif’s return. Some see it as⁢ a much-needed leadership while others are⁤ skeptical. What do you think the general public’s response will be once he⁣ arrives?

Shehbaz Sharif: I believe the people of Pakistan recognize the sincerity ⁢of our mission. Nawaz⁤ Sharif’s return is‌ not just about ‍a political figure; it’s about restoring hope and continuity in development. ⁣I expect ⁤a⁤ strong,‍ positive reception from⁢ those who value progress.

Interviewer: Thank you for sharing your⁣ insights, Mr. Sharif. For our readers, this raises an important question: With Nawaz Sharif’s imminent return, do you‍ believe his leadership can navigate Pakistan out of its current economic challenges, or are concerns about political stability and ‍corruption‍ a ​barrier to his agenda? Let’s hear your thoughts!
S, and we are optimistic that he will further enhance Pakistan’s growth trajectory, create jobs, and restore the faith of the people in effective governance.

Interviewer: Many citizens remain concerned about current economic challenges. What specific steps do you believe Nawaz Sharif will take to address these ongoing issues during his comeback?

Shehbaz Sharif: Good question. Nawaz Sharif has a proven track record of turning around economic situations, and we expect him to prioritize fiscal policies that focus on employment generation, sustainable agriculture, and boosting exports. His vision will also emphasize restoring public trust in the government through transparency and accountability measures.

Interviewer: You’ve mentioned a “journey of development and happiness.” How do you plan to engage the Pakistani people in this journey moving forward?

Shehbaz Sharif: Engagement with the public is crucial. We will hold dialogues, community meetings, and utilize digital platforms to communicate our plans and gather feedback from citizens. Our aim is to ensure that every Pakistani feels included and knows their input is valued in shaping our nation’s future.

Interviewer: Thank you for your insights, Mr. Sharif. We look forward to seeing how this pivotal moment unfolds for the Pakistan Muslim League (N) and the people of Pakistan.

Shehbaz Sharif: Thank you for having me. Together, we will work towards a brighter tomorrow for our country!

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