October 1973: The Yom Kippur War Victory and Secret Documents Revealed

2023-10-06 10:58:01

Whoever was born in 1973, specifically in the month of October, is today fifty years old, half a century of age, the age of complete maturity and long life experience.

This is the time required – or even less – by some government archives in order to release secret documents and government documents of special sensitivity, and some take 25 years, and some take 40 years.

The matter depends on the quality of the documents and also the duration of the withholding. There are documents that cannot be disclosed indefinitely and perhaps forever, unless revolutionary political changes occur, as happened with the Russian Imperial Archive when it was overthrown by the communist revolutionaries in October 1917 as well.

Why do we remember this date, October 1973, today?

Because it means half a century or 50 years have passed since the outbreak of the Yom Kippur War or the Tenth of Ramadan War, according to the Egyptian nomenclature, or the Yom Kippur War or the Kippur War, according to the Israeli dictionary.

A war in which the Egyptian side succeeded, along with the Syrian side, who called this war the Victory of Tishreen, according to the dictionaries and calendars of the Fertile Crescent for the months.

The Egyptians succeeded in crossing the canal and achieving a quick, stunning military victory over Israel, 6 years following the major defeat of the Arabs, led by Egypt, in the 1967 War, or the setback, according to “Professor” Heikal Al-Latif’s dictionary.

The October victory restored national morale, put the scattered national feelings in order, and achieved the lost psychological balance.

A glorious victory was won by the hero of war and peace, the genius Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, and we say genius because he stood his ground despite the uproar of emotions and the chants of enthusiasts, in continuing the war. Some of them said that Israel would disappear, and some of them, more modest, said that Israel would be returned to the 1948 borders.

Sadat, as brave as he was on the battlefield, was a shrewd and discreet planner who succeeded in deceiving Israel and the West and concealing the arrangements for the transit war from them. However, he was very realistic and political. He did not become intoxicated by victory, and he intelligently used this moment to achieve political gains and recover the stolen land. Some political teenagers still see Sadat as a traitor and not an exceptional hero, in terms of the courage of war and the courage of opinion, and opinion comes before the courage of the brave, as our ancient Arab sage, Abu al-Tayyib al-Mutanabbi, said.

October documents: Israel has begun publishing some of them, currently, and a short time ago, and they are shocking to some, regarding the cooperation of some Arabs – even big and elite among them – each for his own reasons, with Israel to inform it of the plans and intentions of the Arab war.

For example, the role of Ashraf Marwan, President Abdel Nasser’s son-in-law and Sadat’s advisor, in the story. Is he a purely Israeli agent, a purely Egyptian agent, or somewhere in between?

I watched and read some of what was broadcast regarding the October War this year and three years before that, and I discovered that what the shelves of history hide is more than what they reveal… Measure that, my friend, wherever the analogy leads you!

#October #War…and #careful #friend



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