October 18 is a church holiday, why spouses should not quarrel

What Church Holiday is Celebrated Today in Ukraine? Let’s Talk About Saint Luke!

October 18th, my dear friends! A day when Ukrainians pause from their busy lives not just to check if they left the kettle on, but to celebrate the day of memory of the holy apostle and evangelist Luke. Yes, Luke! The guy who, if he were alive today, would probably moonlight as a doctor on television while also trying to convince people to read his gospel on YouTube!

Now, Luke wasn’t just any ordinary chap, you see. Rumor has it, he hails from a pagan family. I know what you’re thinking: “A pagan doctor? How does that work?” Well, it did! He was a bit of a medical whiz, and who knew that his medical expertise might one day lead him to write one of the most beloved gospels? Talk about multitasking, eh? One moment he’s patching up wounds, the next he’s handing out miracles!

Luke was not just left sitting at home playing video games; he accompanied Saint Paul on those wild missionary trips. You can just picture them—Paul preaching, Luke trying to keep the congregation awake. He was a faithful right-hand man, the kind of disciple you could count on even during a caffeine shortage. He penned documents that emphasize mercy, love for neighbors, and social justice. You know, Sunday school material—the stuff that reminds us to be good humans, or at least to pretend to be!

The Signs of October 18—You Know, for Weather Enthusiasts

Now let’s dive into those folk signs that come along with this special date. Forget the weather app; these signs are where the real predictive magic happens:

  • If it snows in the morning—you’re in for a warm winter. (Oh, the irony!)
  • If the sky is cloudy—get those umbrellas ready; heavy rains are knocking at your door.
  • Birds sitting on trees? Bad weather is on its way. So is this a birdwatching warning or an early meteorologist assessment?

Things You Can’t Do Today—Because, Technically, You Might Summon Bad Luck

Ah, now we get to the fun part. Today is not just about the prayers and piousness; there are rules. Spouses, take note: No quarreling allowed! Yes, you heard me right! If you start a spat today, you might find yourselves bickering all year long. That’s right, one little argument and the next thing you know, you’re entering the Urals with your in-laws! And while you’re at it, don’t pick anything up off the ground, or you’ll be taking on the woes of your neighbors, and honestly, haven’t we all got enough woes already?

What’s Allowed—Besides Trying to Avoid Bad Luck?

On a more positive note, our ancestors had some clever ideas! Prayer today is all about protecting your home from fire. So, feel free to ask Saint Luke for happiness, well-being, and prosperity—but remember, if he’s busy with 10,000 other requests, maybe swipe right on another saint just in case!

And the tradition of going fishing? Well, people used to sell their catch and use the money for candles, lighting them in a temple. Talk about budgeting! Fish are gone, but guess what? Candles are a way to garner goodwill from above. Just imagine a heavenly accountant taking stock of all the candles being lit! Seriously, talk about divine bookkeeping!

So, whether you end up quarreling, losing your temper, or merely contemplating the burdens you refuse to pick up, remember that today, October 18, is a day to celebrate, pray, and possibly fish—if you can just get your hands on those slippery little swimmers!

And that’s all from our cheeky commentary on today’s holy holiday! For more scintillating insights and sparky observations, stay tuned!

What church holiday is celebrated today in Ukraine according to the new calendar and to whom the believers pray – read in the material of TSN.ua.


Today, October 18, in the Orthodox calendar the day of memory of the holy apostle and evangelist Luke. Luka probably came from a pagan family, which is confirmed by his education and knowledge of medicine. He was a doctor by profession.

Luke accompanied Saint Paul on his missionary journeys. He was not only a doctor, but also a faithful disciple who helped Paul in his ministry. He wrote his Gospel for the Gentiles, seeking to bring them the message of Jesus Christ. His text is distinguished by an emphasis on mercy, love for neighbor and social justice. In the book “The Acts of the Apostles”, Luke describes the development of the early church and the activity of the apostles after the ascension of Christ, emphasizing the action of the Holy Spirit.

According to various sources, Luke died a martyr’s death in Greece.

Signs of October 18

Folk signs on October 18 / Photo: Unsplash

  • It snows in the morning – to a warm winter.
  • The sky is cloudy – expect heavy rains.
  • Birds are sitting on trees – real bad weather will come soon.

What can’t be done today

On this day, spouses are forbidden to quarrel, otherwise the quarrel will drag on for the whole year and may even lead to the end of the relationship. Also, you can not lift objects from the ground, together with them you will take on other people’s troubles.

What can be done today

Our ancestors used to pray on this day to protect the house from fire. You can also ask the saint for happiness in the family, well-being and prosperity. It was customary to go fishing, but all the fish were sold, and the money was used to buy candles that were placed in the temple.

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