Obituaries for today, Wednesday, November 1, 2023

2023-11-01 03:20:14


May the garden of heaven open its doors to receive you!! After a severe illness, our beloved Norber left for eternity. We lovingly accompany our sister Aida and our nephews Gerardo, José, Javier, Ana, Julieta, Nicolás and their families. We will remember their love for the family, plants and gardens, always transmitting their knowledge. Rest in peace. Marcote-s families, Molinari and Useglio.


The Friends of the Gardening Association of Neuquén accompanies the Raffo family in this moment of so much pain, his wife Aída, daughters, sons and granddaughters. Norberto: we cannot say goodbye, because you will always remain in the Association, in every corner of headquarters, in each class, in the practical sessions, in each park, square, garden that you designed and put together with PASSION in Neuquén. You are and will be one of the fundamental stones of this group that almost 40 years ago dreamed of making the city of Neuquén an oasis; A paradise. You achieved it and we will follow your steps, teachings and passion. See you soon Norberto, until the next planting, pruning and harvest. Your friends, collaborators and students of the Association.


The Educational Community of School No. 102 regrets with deep pain and sadness the departure of our beloved Brahian Torres. We will always remember him and he will be in the hearts of all of us who are part of School No. 102. Our condolences to the Family.


He died in Zapala on 10/27/2023 at the age of 78. The Bottanelli family and the staff of Heladería “Don Hector” regretfully participate in his death, accompanying Tere, Alicia, Jorge and Diego in these moments of pain.

Roque Maida

He died in Gral Roca at the age of 88. Leon Mellado and his family regret his death and accompany his family in these painful moments. His remains were transferred to Las Fuentes Park for his burial.


He died in General Roca at the age of 83. His wife: Mirta Fernandez. His children: Milvia, Nelsy and Flavio. His political children: Fabián and Daniel. His grandchildren and other relatives announced his death and that his remains were buried yesterday at 5 p.m. in the Parque Las Fuentes Cemetery following a religious service in its chapel. SERVICE: DINIELLO COMPANY


He died on 10/29/2023 in Gral Roca at the age of 76. His wife Susana Vallejos and daughters Mariela, Gabriela and Silvina announce his death and that his remains were cremated in the Parque Las Fuentes cemetery. His grandchildren Rebeca, Ciro, Joaquín, Emilia and his political children participate with pain. The family says goodbye to him, thanking those who were part of his life, treasuring every moment lived in their hearts.


Elina Mora and family participate in the death of their dear friend.


He died in Allen at the age of 30. His children, parents and brothers, announce his death and that his remains, veiled in the Evangelical Church of the Bº Malvinas Islands, were buried yesterday at 10:30 in the Allen Necropolis. SERVICE: DINIELLO COMPANY


He died in Villa Regina at the age of 81. Her siblings, Ana, Rita, Lidia and Roberto; political brothers; nephews, Pablo, Alejandra, Jorge, Graciela, Silvia, Norma, Daniel, Mariela and Silvana; and other relatives report that her remains, buried in Room 2 of Remedios de Escalada 85, were buried yesterday at 4:00 p.m. in the necropolis of that city. COMPANY SERVICE DEFLORIAN SA

Abel Fernandez

He died in Gral Roca at 74 years of age. His relatives participate in his death by announcing that his remains, held yesterday in the Helios salon at Av Roca 649, will be destined for cremation. Service Company Cueto y Cia Social Services

#Obituaries #today #Wednesday #November

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