Obituaries for today, Friday, October 20, 2023

2023-10-20 03:20:24

Maria Weigel de Gomila

The Associate Commissions, staff and officials of Banco Credicoop Cooperativo Limitado, affectionately accompany Mr. Carlos Gomila, Zonal Manager, in this moment of deep pain due to the death of his mother.


He died in General Roca at the age of 71. His siblings: Erica, Angélica, Alicia, Claudia, Gloria, Marcial, Alfredo and other relatives announce his death and that his remains buried in Villegas 1045 were buried yesterday at 11 in the local necropolis. SERVICE: COMPANY DINIELLO


He died in General Roca at the age of 53. His brothers and other relatives reported his death and that his remains were transferred to the Parque Las Fuentes Cemetery for his cremation. Affiliated with UTEDYC.SERVICE: DINIELLO COMPANY

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