Obesity Alert in the West Indies and Guyana: A Call to Action by André Berthon

2024-03-16 07:00:01

In the West Indies and Guyana, more than half of the population is overweight, with obesity now a major health problem. This is the central theme of André Berthon’s new work published by Caraïbéditions, which sounds the alarm on a situation, in order to challenge individual and collective conscience.

Obesity, a disease with multiple causes and numerous complications, constitutes a serious threat to the Antilles-Guyana. “Obesity Alert” by André Berthon (published by Caraibéditions) is a book aimed at raising awareness regarding the root causes of this serious public health problem. Some avenues are also suggested.

Obesity / diet • ©Guy Etienne

André Berthon draws a sad observation in our regions threatened by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, cyclones, unemployment, drug trafficking, but also by daily violence, land pollution with chlordecone, sargassum… But the The author considers that obesity is also a profound problem that the population must face.

The book attempts to understand, imagine and propose some remedies. The tendency to be overweight is “an abnormal or excessive accumulation of body fat that can be detrimental to health.”

In less than two generations, the physique of our compatriots has taken a worrying turn, with today more than half of the population being overweight or obese! Flip through the family album or the newspapers and magazines from forty years ago and you will see the difference…

A plea from Andre Berthon • ©editions caraibeditions

André Berthon is based on various surveys and studies carried out in the Antilles and in Guyana by the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) and the Department of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (DREES).

“Lack of physical activity and unsuitable food are at the origin of this disease which endangers health.” The observation is all the more alarming as the child generation is not spared.

The Kannari study, carried out in the French West Indies and published in December 2015 by the relevant Health Observatories, revealed that just over one in four children (aged between 3 and 15 years) were overweight and that nearly ‘one child in ten was obese! Boys are affected twice as often as girls.

The consequences of obesity should not be minimized. It is the cause of many disabling or fatal diseases (stroke, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, gout, osteoarthritis, certain cancers)… In a short time, “Martinique will no longer be a country of centenarians” observes the writer, ex-journalist.

Obesity situation (illustrative image) • ©Martinique 1ère

André Berthon also speaks of an exponential global scourge in major countries (Europe, United States, etc.), because “the danger is on the plate”.

Is it the fault of consumers or the cause of poor nutritional choices? The author points out the urgency of the situation, highlighting awareness, training and information. “Individual and collective awareness is urgent to eradicate the scourge.”

We can change our lifestyle. Walk, swim, move and above all pay attention to what you eat and drink. Harming yourself is one thing, dragging your children into the abyss of obesity is another. However, the obesity of adolescents and children in Martinique is worrying. Elected officials must tackle this problem, which concerns the future of Martinicans, by financing prevention campaigns or by putting pressure on state health services, which are insufficiently mobilized. I am not a doctor. In this book, I just open up avenues, the rest is up to practitioners and public authorities.

André Berthon – Author of “Antilles-Guyana, obesity alert”

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