ÖBB is running again with all available trains

2023-12-22 12:43:58

As of today, Friday, the ÖBB has all available trains and cars in use once more and, according to a press release, can “offer an additional 32,000 seats on the western and southern routes over the holidays”. Despite predicted turbulent weather conditions with storm “Zoltan”, lots of rain and snow, the ÖBB Christmas traffic is “so far largely according to plan”

Delays are therefore limited. Railjets are now increasingly being used once more on the southern route. The forecast for December 23rd. is good, the weather situation should also improve a little.

According to media reports, ten percent of the 60 Railjets were in the workshop at the beginning of the week. As a result, trains were canceled or routes were served with older wagons with fewer seats. According to ÖBB, four Railjets were in the workshop due to the storm damage and one or two were in regular maintenance as usual.

#ÖBB #running #trains



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