OAS does not approve resolution on elections in Venezuela

MIAMI.- The Organization of American States (OAS) failed to reach a consensus on the crisis in Venezuela following last Sunday’s elections, after which electoral authorities proclaimed Nicolás Maduro as re-elected president.

In an extraordinary session, the Permanent Council of the OAS voted a resolution to Demand that Venezuela publish the minutes of the presidential elections in the face of accusations of an alleged electoral fraud made by citizens and the opposition.

OAS rejects resolution on elections in Venezuela

A resolution was introduced today demanding that Venezuela “immediately” publish the electoral records, after Maduro was announced as the winner of the elections without the counting having been completed and without the vote count being announced.

However, the resolution was rejected because it did not achieve an absolute majority of its member states.

“Comrades, the resolution was not approved, and that was the decision of the member states that collectively voted today,” said the president of the Permanent Council of the OAS, Ronald Sanders.

The resolution that was voted on by the OAS included five points:

  • Recognize “the substantial and peaceful participation of the Venezuelan electorate.”
  • Urge the National Electoral Council (CNE) of Venezuela to “immediately publish the results of the voting of each polling station” and carry out an “exhaustive verification of the results in the presence of independent observer organizations.”
  • Declare the safeguarding of human rights as an “absolute priority” Human Rights In Venezuela, the right to peaceful demonstration without the population suffering reprisals is paramount.
  • “Protect and preserve all equipment used in the electoral process,” especially printed minutes and results.
  • Highlighting “solidarity with the Venezuelan people” and asking the Maduro government to protect diplomatic facilities.

This is how Mexico and OAS countries voted on Venezuela

A total of 17 members of the OAS Permanent Council voted in favor of the resolution:

Argentina, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, EU, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Surinam y Uruguay.

11 countries abstained: Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Granada, Honduras, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia y Antigua and Barbuda.

Five countries were absent from the session: Dominica, Trinidad and Tobago, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and the own Venezuela.

He was also absent Mexicosomething that the president had already anticipated Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador demanding that the OAS “stay out of” Venezuela’s elections.

There were no votes against.

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Possible charges against Nicolás Maduro

Today’s session was called a day after Luis AlmagroSecretary General of the OAS, stated that “it is imperative to know about Maduro’s acceptance of the minutes held by the opposition and consequently accept his electoral defeat.”

Failure to do so would mean that “new elections would be necessary” with international observers from the European Union and the OAS and new electoral authorities “to reduce the margin of institutional irregularity that plagued this process.”

Almagro said at today’s session that charges should be brought against Maduro for the violent repression of citizen protests against his re-election and the alleged fraud.

With information from Europa Press y AP.

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#OAS #approve #resolution #elections #Venezuela
2024-08-11 12:43:47



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