OAS asks the CNE to publish the electoral records

This Friday, the Organization of American States (OAS) approved by consensus a resolution in which it demands the National Electoral Council (CNE) the publication of the minutes related to the presidential elections in Venezuela held on July 28.

The document, which recognized the massive and peaceful participation of the electorate, had a section in its draft that pointed out human rights violations, a point that Brazil asked to be withdrawn; however, he called for respect “human rights and fundamental freedoms, the right to life, liberty and security of the person, especially the right to peaceful assembly and to the full exercise of civil and political rights without reprisals”.

Among the approved points that are part of the Resolution, the following stands out: “highlight the importance of protecting and preserving all equipment used in the electoral process, including all printed minutes and results, in order to safeguard the entire chain of custody of the voting process”.

The OAS also urged the CNE to post “expeditiously the minutes with the results of the presidential election vote at the level of each polling station”.

According to the regional body, it is important that “respect the fundamental principle of popular sovereignty through impartial verification of the results that guarantees the transparency, credibility and legitimacy of the electoral process”.

#OAS #asks #CNE #publish #electoral #records
2024-08-21 08:20:58



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