Nutrologist gives tips for losing weight and not gaining weight again

2023-12-17 15:11:00

Losing weight is a desire for many people, so much so that they end up resorting to extreme recipes that can lead to the so-called accordion effect, that is, the weight loss is not lasting and the weight returns.

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According to nutritionist Nataniel Viunisk, however, by following some simple tips it is possible to lose weight in a healthy and lasting way. Check out his tips:

Lose weight and never gain it back

  • Don’t just focus on the scale. “More than just losing weight, it is also important to consume healthy foods and practice physical activities that promote muscle mass gain”, says the nutritionist. Hunger is unhealthy.
  • Beware of fad diets. Remember that the most important thing is to focus on your lifestyle, that is, with consistency and patience.
  • Don’t forget the protein. “The macronutrient is essential for maintaining muscle mass and avoiding health problems”, warns Viunisk.
  • Watch your portions. “Avoid large meals and prefer to divide your food throughout the day. This way, you avoid both hunger and overeating”, concludes the nutritionist.


Read the full article in Saúde em Dia, partner of Metropolises.

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