Nutritionist Zoraida Rosales offers some tips for healthy eating |

The clinical nutritionist, Zoraida Rosales, participated in a Webinar, which was supported by Venezuela Insurancein which he answered concerns and keys to maintain a Healthy nutritionshared a series of tips to have a better lifestyle.

The specialist indicated that to start the first steps of those who want to take care of their health through a good dietthe following tips are suggested:

  • Learn to combine foods according to their groups and know which are the nutrients they provide.
  • Balance the portions.
  • reduce the sugar intake.
  • drink water before and following each meal to metabolize nutrients in a good way.
  • Eat 3 meals a day if you don’t have health problemsand otherwise add the 2 snacks to reach the meals with less appetite.

The doctor recalled that the egg is still one of the main foods that provide animal proteinbut recommends that its consumption is not fried, but in an omelet, scrambled egg or poached.

He also highlighted the benefits of sardines (not canned) and pepitones as foods that can be prepared in various ways and contribute to protein intake, vitaminscalcium, phosphorus and iron, among others.

Among the vegetable proteins, he recommended the soy consumption and lentils (you can make hamburgers), while for salads he highlighted the use of pyre and purslane, which, although little known, have amino acids and antioxidants.

Additionally, if you want to start a balanced diet, Dr. Rosales recommends:

  • Include protein, carbohydrates, and vegetables in your meals, including breakfast.
  • Change some foods, such as the traditional corn arepas, for yucca, carrot or zucchini arepas.
  • Invest at least 20 minutes in the consumption of your meals (chewing food well), so that you give the brain time to feel satisfaction and avoid anxiety. anxiety.

If you want to find out regarding other recommendations to have a healthy life, we recommend you follow the Instagram account of Dra. Zoraida Rosales @nutrizora and also through the Instagram account of Seguros Venezuela @insurance_vzla.



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