Nutritional starch machine teaches you to know whole grains

The Health Center of Nuannuan District, Keelung City will open the “Nuannuan Diet Demonstration Site~Nutrition Precipitation Machine” to let the public know the benefits of whole grains and grains. (Provided by Nuannuan District Health Center)

Reporter Zheng Junyun/Keelung

Nuan Nuan District Health Center of Keelung City organized the “Nuan Nuan Diet Demonstration Site-Nutrition Precipitation Machine” activity in March and April in order to let the public know the benefits of whole grains and miscellaneous grains.

Whole grains are rich in vitamin B group, vitamin E, minerals and dietary fiber and other nutrients.

Vitamin B complex can regulate metabolism, maintain skin and muscle health, strengthen the immune system and nervous system and other functions; vitamin E is an important fat-soluble antioxidant, which helps to protect the cardiovascular system and reduce free radicals; dietary fiber can help intestinal Peristalsis, protection of intestinal mucosal cells and regulation of intestinal bacteria to maintain intestinal health.

Nuannuan District Health Center of Keelung City cooperated with a nutritionist from the Community Nutrition Promotion Center to organize the “Nuannuan Diet Demonstration Site-Nutrition Precipitation Machine” activity in the community to learn regarding grains through game interaction (12 to 16 kinds of grains in each group), and discuss in groups What are the various grains, and are introduced separately by nutritionists. There is also a flip card pair to test memory, identify food, and learn regarding whole grains and unrefined grains at the same time. Then teach the public through practical courses, using on-site demonstration teaching methods, and group practical courses, the students practice cooking whole grain rice on the spot. Or arrange shopping activities in the course, learn regarding different whole grains, and use the percentage cards obtained from class activities to buy them home. Before buying, you should tell the benefits of the ingredients and how to cook them. It is hoped that through the nutritionist’s explanation, as well as games and practices, the impression of the elderly will be deepened, and the understanding and motivation of the elderly to eat whole grains and unrefined grains will be increased.

“Nuan Nuan Diet Demonstration Site ~ Nutritious Precipitation Machine” will be held on March 17, 24, 28, 31, and April 21, from 10:00 am to 11:00 am in Nuantong, Nuanxi, Nuannuan Activity Center, Nuan Nuan C-level stronghold and Ding Xiang Activity Center debut.



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