Nutrition. Eating fruit would reduce the risk of heart problems

A diet low in fruits and vegetables is one of the leading risk factors for cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Conversely, consuming certain products could have protective properties. This is the case with strawberries, according to researchers at the Illinois Institute of Technology.

In fact, studies have already shown that the cardiometabolic benefits of eating strawberries are multiple: lower LDL cholesterol (the bad), lower inflammation and oxidative stress, lower insulin resistance and blood sugar.

2 and a half cups a day

To put this data into practice, American scientists conducted a trial with 33 obese patients. Soon, scientists found that consuming the equivalent of 2.5 cups of strawberries a day significantly reduced insulin resistance. However, this promotes a prediabetic state, the harbinger of type 2 diabetes.

Another work, conducted by the same researchers with 34 men and women with moderate hypercholesterolemia also revealed that vascular function improved one hour after eating strawberries.

« Our studies support the hypothesis that strawberry consumption may reduce cardiometabolic risk “, launch the authors. ” We believe this evidence supports the role of strawberries as a “nutraceutical” for the prevention of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease in adults.. »

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