Nurse ‘double dating’ with two doctors; One gifted a house and the other a car; Then comes the twist

The two doctors who are in a romantic relationship face a conflict at the hospital over their love for the same nurse.


First Published Aug 8, 2024, 11:13 PM IST | Last Updated Aug 8, 2024, 11:13 PM IST

QIt is commonly believed that love is one of the most beautiful feelings. However, it can also lead to many conflicts. Human emotions are remarkably similar across the globe in this respect. A recent incident in China illustrates this point, as it involved a love triangle. An altercation escalated to the point where one of the lovers was admitted to the ICU after a dispute over love. This unusual event unfolded in a hospital in Jiangsu Province, China, where a 27-year-old newly hired nurse found herself in love with two 50-year-old doctors at Wuxi People’s Hospital simultaneously.

The doctors were unaware that they were both romantically involved with the same nurse. The nurse skillfully managed to cultivate relationships with both doctors. However, once they discovered the truth, the situation took a dramatic turn. This led to a public confrontation between the two doctors. A doctor named Su suffered a serious head injury during this public clash. He was swiftly moved to the hospital’s orthopedic department, but the injury was severe enough that he had to be transferred to the ICU, according to reports from the South China Morning Post.

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During their courtship, both doctors showered the nurse with expensive gifts. One doctor gave her a luxury villa as a token of affection, while the other gifted a luxury car. A confrontation arose over these extravagant gifts, resulting in one doctor ending up in the ICU. According to reports, the woman visited the doctor’s residence as tensions mounted. The police have stated that a thorough investigation has been initiated, and appropriate action will be taken against those found responsible for the incident, as officials have indicated.

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The two lovers who are doctors have a conflict in the hospital over their love.

Clash erupts after nurse falls in love with two doctors of the same hospital at the same time

The Unfolding Drama of Love and Conflict in a Hospital Setting

Love can sometimes lead to tumultuous conflicts, especially when it involves complicated relationships. A recent incident in Jiangsu Province, China, has captured widespread attention due to the extraordinary love triangle involving a nurse and two doctors from the same hospital. Here’s a closer look at the events that transpired and the implications of such dynamics in a healthcare environment.

Background of the Incident

The drama began when a 27-year-old nurse, who was newly hired at Wuxi People’s Hospital, found herself romantically involved with two senior doctors, both 50 years old. Unbeknownst to each other, the doctors were both infatuated with the nurse, leading to a clandestine relationship that initially seemed harmonious on the surface. The Nurse’s Deceptive Sweetheart Tactics made it possible for her to maintain simultaneous relationships without either doctor’s knowledge.

The Confrontation

The situation escalated dramatically once the doctors discovered each other’s affections. A confrontation occurred in the hospital, resulting in an intense public clash between the two doctors. Dr. Su, one of the doctors involved, sustained a serious head injury during this altercation, necessitating his transfer to the ICU for emergency treatment.

The Costly Gifts and Escalating Jealousy

Currency played a significant role in this love affair, with both doctors showering the nurse with extravagant gifts. One doctor gifted a luxurious villa while the other presented her with an upscale car. The competition for her affection, fueled by these valuable offerings, brought the rivalry to a dangerous peak. The conflict over who could win the nurse’s heart, and their respective gifts, exemplified how love and jealousy can intertwine, leading to destructive outcomes.

Hospital Management’s Response

The hospital management has initiated an investigation into the incident. Their goal is to address the unfortunate situation and ensure appropriate measures are instituted to maintain a professional environment. Reports indicate that the police have also become involved, vowing to take action against anyone deemed responsible for the chaos.

Understanding Love Triangles in Professional Settings

This incident raises important questions about romantic relationships in the workplace, particularly in high-stress environments like hospitals. Love triangles can complicate professional dynamics, leading to conflict, and disrupting the work environment. Here are a few aspects to consider:

  • Maintaining Professionalism: Healthcare professionals must prioritize their duties and maintain their professionalism, even when personal relationships are involved.
  • Transparent Communication: Open dialogue among colleagues can help prevent misunderstandings and rivalries from escalating.
  • Conflict Resolution: Implementing mechanisms for conflict resolution in the workplace is crucial for addressing interpersonal issues effectively.

Case Study: Consequences of Workplace Romance

Research indicates that workplace romances are common but can lead to serious repercussions if not handled appropriately. This case exemplifies that if boundaries are not established, it can affect the mental well-being of individuals involved and disrupt the harmony of the workplace.


While love remains a potent force that can unify hearts, it can also unleash destructive consequences in environments requiring utmost professionalism. This case of the nurse and her two doctor lovers serves as a cautionary tale. Ultimately, it’s important for individuals to navigate their personal lives carefully in a professional context, ensuring that their actions are respectful of workplace dynamics and conducive to a healthy work environment.



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