Number of older graduates is on the rise in Brazil

2023-06-02 14:26:40

According to the Census of Higher Education, a survey carried out by Inep (National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira), about 11% of students enrolled in medical courses in Brazil in 2020 were over 30 years old. The survey also points out that Medicine is among the top 10 undergraduate courses in terms of number of enrollments: 224.192 students enrolled in 2021 in the country.

The institution’s most recent survey, released in November 2022, revealed that, in the last ten years, the number of freshmen aged 40 or over almost tripled at Brazilian universities: it was 221.337in 2012, to about 600 milem 2021.

Professor Thiago Carvalho, director of the MetaMED course, evaluates this upward trend in the age group of undergraduates as positive. “Older students seeking admission to medical school demonstrate a high degree of determination and commitment,” he says. “In addition, they can bring a variety of previous personal and professional experiences to the classroom, which indirectly ends up enriching not only learning, by offering the exchange of knowledge between students of different ages, but also the profession as a whole. one all.”

One of the factors that can explain this increase in the age group of students is the greater life expectancy of the population, which means that age is no longer seen as an obstacle to the realization of dreams. Carvalho points out, however, that those who enter an academic course later, especially in a degree as competitive as Medicine, may face greater challenges. “These people often have an established career and family. In this way, reconciling the academic routine with other areas of life can be complex, requiring a more rigorous organization of time.”

For him, another difficulty that stands in the way of older students is the high pace of study required by a course like Medicine, which demands a lot of effort and resilience from them to deal with mental and physical stress. “In addition, there is a need to update oneself in academic concepts and adapt to current educational technology”, warns the director of MetaMED.

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Thiago Carvalho also points out that those who wish to return to their studies after a few years away from school are faced with the first challenge of all: going through the entrance exam process. To overcome this obstacle, he advises that a routine and a study plan be developed that covers all the subjects that need to be remembered.

“Preparatory courses can also be an effective tool in this resumption of studies for an entrance exam as competitive as the one in Medicine, as they offer the structure and learning resources necessary for the candidates”, he says.

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