NUMA ECHOS – Interview with the dark singer – TuttoRock Magazine

Hi Numa, welcome to Tuttorock, tell us a little about yourself, how did your passion for music and singing come about? An introduction for our readers.
Thank you and welcome everyone. I will reveal to you that I do not like to reveal myself or introduce myself and at least hide myself, but the best way to tell you about me is to immerse yourself in my artistic dimension. If you are not afraid of it, you will be able to discover me, in part. My passion is born from a desire because music is such and is completed in the realization of the same. If the desire evolves it can become a necessity and I think it is sick to deprive yourself of the satisfaction of a necessity.

Why Numa Echos?
Numa was the second Roman emperor, a reformer and a pacifist despite holding a position of power. I liked his profile and the fact that he was a man; in each of us, feminine and masculine sides coexist and my masculine is considerable. He was also a great admirer of the Nymphs who instructed him on sacred rites, being interested in the transcendent, another aspect that unites us.
Echos is instead inspired by the Nymph Echo belonging to the Oreads and companion of Narcissus and this can be defined as a connection with Numa’s passion for the Nymphs. Echo fell in love with Narcissus, a character comparable to one of the many modern subjects affected by narcissistic personality disorder, and since his love was not reciprocated, all that remained of her was her voice that still echoes today in the mountains. Often love is not reciprocated and the gestures that represent it are not valued. This condition represents a significant starting point for musical and literary composition. And one day the mortal remains will leave room for the immortality of the art we have created and our voice will echo in an uncertain future.

Tell me now about the new album “Descending Consciousness”, how did the songs come about and what were the inspirations?
The last album was born spontaneously, it is the fruit of the inspiration that often accompanies me. I drew from what surrounds me, from the emotions that I have experienced but also from ambitions.

A very dark sound, why?
I have always loved dark sounds and everything that borders on darkness. There is an affinity between dark sounds and my deepest self. Art is often partly autobiographical, it is a means of telling oneself.

The meaning of the album title and lyrics in general?
We live in a historical period devoid of conscience, in which involution is the phenomenon that sets the trend. I do not see the progress that they describe to us. Art is a social message and must tend towards beauty. I would like my music to be a means to reach a balance.

Where did the idea for the cover photo come from? It looks like horror-gothic, what’s its meaning?
I really liked this shot by photographer Andrea Lux Ferre taken during the set of the video clip of the album’s launch single “Waisted Items” in collaboration with Peter Slabbynck of Red Zebra, a historic Belgian post-punk group. I used all of Andrea Lux Ferre’s photos for the album’s graphics because I think he’s an excellent artist with great talent. I think he was able to read my soul through photography. On the back of the album there’s an X-ray of my skull. All of this was graphically elaborated by Loris Passarelli, another exceptional artist who also curated the previous album “Shady World”.

What are your expectations for this album, considering that it has a particular sound, what audience is it aimed at?
It is addressed to those with artistic sensitivity and musical knowledge. I hope that it is the music that plagiarizes the crowds and not the crowds that influence the music. For this reason my expectations are high, as I would like those who listen to be influenced by what I write. I do not aim for quantity but for quality.

There’s rock, new wave, synth-pop, thea electronic music, how do you define your musical style?
I don’t define it because I love contaminations. It’s a mix of different genres.

What are your musical influences?
I can say that I have focused more on classical, rock, cinematic, dark-wave, new-wave music but I don’t focus on a single style. I think it’s enriching to know how to listen and select. In every field.

What do you think of today’s music?
If we talk about the music that tops the Italian charts, I don’t think so. Obviously there are extraordinary musicians, composers and singer-songwriters but unfortunately they are not given the attention they deserve.

Will we see you on stage in concert?
Absolutely. I have some dates scheduled for this year but from next year I will focus more on live shows as well as producing new material.

Your future plans?
Lots but I won’t say anything until they are realized. Follow me and you will be updated on my artistic activity.

Do you have any other passions outside of music?
Everything about art fascinates me. But I have many other interests. Magic and esotericism, science, sports, the human mind, psychiatric and personality disorders. Everything I can’t explain. Life, death, the possibility of an afterlife.

Close the interview as you want, a message to our readers to listen to the album and enter your musical worldk.
I greet readers with a hug of darkness because as Michael Grant said, “the light of day showed you the limits of the possible. But walking in the dark, in absolute total darkness, the possibilities were endless.”




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