Nuclear Medicine and Radiotherapy Center: “It comes to increase and strengthen the comprehensive health system”

After participating in the meeting with Governor Gildo Insfrán, Mr. Martín Mutuberria, general manager of the Nuclear Medicine and Radiotherapy Center Foundation “Dr. Néstor Kirchner”, provided details on what was reported to the president on the progress made for the completion and development of the outstanding institution.

Said Center will have the objectives of ensuring equity and accessibility for the entire population to infrastructure, state-of-the-art equipment and the training of professional and technical human resources.

It is a unique work in the northern region of the country that is part of the provincial health pole, which will provide early diagnosis and treatment to cancer patients, with or without social coverage.
“We are a Foundation that is made up of members of the National Atomic Energy Commission and of the province of Formosa, so a meeting was held because CNEA representatives attended, of which the president is Rolando Granada, Ph.D. in Physics, due to the advances that the Center had”, he explained according to what he AGENFOR.

He added that “the Governor received us to inform him how we were progressing and what we were doing,” noting that “we are already up and running and with treatments for patients.”
“In these last three months, which is when we began to work on the entire part of radiotherapy treatments, which involves both brachytherapy and teletherapy, we have had more than 70 patients, of whom 17 have already completed treatment,” he remarked.

And he advanced emphasizing that “this is the important thing, because it is a place that works, which is for all Formosa and comes to increase and strengthen the comprehensive health system, not only in the province, but also in the region and at the national level. ”.
“This is a bit of the spirit of public health policy that the province has through the Government of Formosa,” he said.

Along these lines, he said that “the inauguration goes to the background”, because “we are working”, attending and treating patients, and that “is what we have to highlight”.
“It is very important that today a Center of these characteristics is in the province with access to the entire population, avoiding uprooting and that people have to travel very long distances (to be treated), because in itself, dealing with this disease is enough. cruel, and if you also have to add being away from family and friends, then having the possibility of having him here is essential,” he emphasized.

Technologies and human resources
In turn, Mr. Mutuberria noted that the Formosa Center “is comprehensive” and also covers nuclear medicine.
As stated, progress will continue in stages, which will be put into operation later. “We plan to advance with a positron emission tomograph, better known as PET, a cyclotron, which is an accelerator, and a radiopharmaceutical factory that is used in the diagnostic part,” she pointed out.
“In the entire team we are 32 people, of which a little more than 20 are dedicated to the health part specifically and obviously it is constant training and training,” he highlighted.

Of them, “the majority are from Formosa, which is a source of pride,” he highlighted, commenting that “we have recently repatriated a dosimetrist from Garrahan, also from Formosa, who joined the team this month, so we are continually growing.”

And he mentioned that, within this framework of constant training and education, “our physicists are going to São Paulo, Brazil, to one of the institutes to be trained in one of the most complex techniques, such as radiosurgery, so that will be one of the most advanced techniques that we will incorporate over time”.
To culminate, he valued “the intention of the province to believe in this type of medicine from the outset and manage to sustain this project throughout this time, both at the level of infrastructure and equipment, as well as the training of professionals” .



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