NTT Regional Police’s Polairud Distributes Red and White Flags in 4 Districts

The NTT Regional Police Water Police Distribute Red and White Flags to Fishermen in Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai Regency. (Doc. NTT Regional Police Water Police Directorate)

The Water Police of the East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Regional Police distributed the Red and White flags to the public in four districts in order to welcome the 79th anniversary of Indonesian independence.

Director of Polairud Polda NTT, Senior Commissioner Irwan Deffi Nasution said that the flag distribution was carried out simultaneously in East Sumba, West Manggarai, Kupang, and East Flores Regencies.

This activity is part of Polairud’s efforts to strengthen national and national awareness in various regions of NTT. “We hope that through the distribution of the red and white flag, the community can feel the spirit of the 79th Anniversary of Indonesian Independence and continue to maintain the unity and integrity of the nation,” said Kombes Irwan, Sunday (11/8).

In East Sumba, members of the Polairud Unit Headquarters (Marnit) distributed red and white flags to fishermen and street vendors (PKL) at the People’s Port and Bugis Village, Waingapu City.

Meanwhile, in Labuan Bajo, members of Marnit Polairud conducted patrols while socializing Shipping Law Number 17 of 2008 concerning shipping, and distributing information stickers to tourism business actors.

Kombes Irwan emphasized the importance of compliance with shipping regulations, especially regarding the completeness of documents according to the law. This patrol was also accompanied by the distribution of red and white flags to tourism business actors, captains, and traditional fishermen to strengthen the spirit of nationalism.

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Next in Tesabela Village, West Kupang District, the crew of the Flobamora XXII-3014 patrol boat carried out similar activities. They distributed red and white flags and pennants to the local fishing community. This activity aims to strengthen the relationship between Polairud and coastal communities while fostering a sense of love for the country.

In addition, Polairud Marnit Flores Timur members also participated in this activity by distributing red and white flags to motorboats crossing at Palo Beach-Tanah Merah, East Flores. “This activity is not only a matter of distributing flags, but also as a symbol of national unity and pride which is expected to foster a sense of love for the homeland among the community,” he said.

Dirpolairud Polda NTT, Kombespol Irwan Deffi Nasution, stated that the distribution of the flags was a form of appreciation for the synergy that had been established between Polairud and the community. In addition, Polairud members also appealed to fishermen to use environmentally friendly fishing gear and prioritize safety when sailing.

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According to him, this activity is part of Polairud’s efforts to strengthen national and national awareness in various regions of NTT. “We hope that through the distribution of this red and white flag, the community can feel the spirit of the Indonesian Independence Day and continue to maintain the unity and integrity of the nation,” he said.

With the spirit of independence getting closer, the ranks of the NTT Regional Police Polairud are committed to continuing to maintain good relations with the community and playing an active role in maintaining security and order in the waters. (N-2)

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