now victory is a must –

Look Brunello

“Elly has made herself known”, “are you the official candidate”? Forcing him to answer like a broken record, because even the most dutiful “functionary” raised in the PCI, as his biographies say, eventually loses patience. So in the last week he had given an ultimatum, either you nominate me, or I go back to Rome, and goodbye. A hypothesis that on Saturday, with Giuseppe Conte’s attack, seemed realistic. Then the last twist, a few hours before the ultimatum expires, the green light from Luca Pirondini, on behalf of the M5S: “His name turned out to be the most shared option in the coalition”.

The torments of Conte, Fratoianni and Bonelli: they smell something fishy

Easy to say, harder to implement because there remains the problem of Matteo Renzi, the gatecrasher who showed up at the last minute. The 5 Star leader does not back down on the veto “our credibility is at stake”. To say that there is no room for the Florentine. Elly Schlein also asked the founder of Italia Viva to adapt: ​​”You can’t have your feet in two shoes”. The second “shoe” would be that of Mauro Avvenente, councilor for historic centers, on behalf of the Renzi party, who swears loyalty to the mayor Marco Bucci. “The gatecrasher” had already promised, he will leave the council, Avvenente will have no choice but to abandon Italia Viva. The former minister will now have to propose a container to mix the “unmentionables”: a sort of “discount” where the “no logo” products can be packed.

Chaos in 5 stars, Grillini against Contiani. And Marrazzo arrives with the gay party

The “wounds” of the long wait remain, Andrea Orlando, had given his availability to run at the beginning of July, an interminable period, spent “macerating”, with the result that the center-left coalition seemed like a united mob against Giovanni Toti, but in dispute over everything else. A shadow that weighs on the candidate chosen at the photo finish: on him, moreover, weigh also all the doubts that have emerged in these weeks. “He does not know the region enough”, “in these decades he has always remained in Rome”, “he is not a man for election campaigns”, the militants admitted in a low voice, surprised by the great delay of the PD secretary. There is also the factor of origin: the leader of the left PD is from La Spezia, the three most quoted candidates of the center-right (Edoardo Rixi, Ilaria Cavo, Pietro Piciocchi) are from Genoa, “capital” that tends to devour votes and preferences. In short, for the La Spezia native, it is a challenge in which everything is at stake: if he were to lose, it will be difficult, as if nothing had happened, to return to his previous life.

#victory #Tempo
2024-09-03 08:00:10



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