“Now they want Kirchnerism to disappear”

2023-10-24 00:59:52

The vice president Cristina Kirchner questioned -without explicitly naming him- the candidate of La Libertad Avanza, Javier Miley. The former president mentioned a passage from the libertarian’s speech after Sunday’s election, considering that “Now some want Kirchnerism to disappear”.

The head of the Senate expressed this when giving an interview to the former president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa. There he questioned the political discourse that “proclaims the suppression of the other,” the “elimination of the adversary”.

«There is an Argentine right that is not like the right in France or like the right in Italy that may have positions regarding immigration, but that does not proclaim the suppression of the other”Cristina Kirchner highlighted.

In the interview, Cristina Kirchner also referred to the economic issue and once again targeted the IMF, stating that ““has taken the helm of the economy in the country.

«In Argentina, after having contracted a brutal debt with the IMF, the IMF has taken the helm of the economy. There is no democracy in Argentinabecause in a democratic government who governs the country’s economy is the president who has been elected in free elections and without proscriptions,” he considered.

In his understanding, “economic democracyunderstood as an economic project that people validate in elections, there is no«.

«When there is no economic democracy, finally social democracy, which has been a paradigm for the Peronists, which has been upward mobility, begins to degrade and deteriorate«, evaluated Cristina Kirchner.

In addition, the vice president maintained that it was during the government of former president Mauricio Macri when “the period of emore dizzying debtsuperior to that of the dictatorship due to the limited time.

#Kirchnerism #disappear

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