Now is the time for the energy companies to submit annual reports and information on operating and business conditions

The e-service now opens for reporting the energy companies’ annual reports and for the district heating companies’ data on operating and business conditions (DoA reports) for 2023.

The reporting takes place in the NEON e-service and the last day for companies with a calendar year as the accounting year to report the information is 31 July 2024.

A start letter with information about the reporting has or will be sent out to all companies via the Company Portal.

This information is used for

The reporting of annual reports takes place in accordance with the Electricity Act, the Natural Gas Act and the District Heating Act.

The information in the annual report is an important basis in Ei’s calculation of revenue frameworks for electricity network companies and gas network companies. In addition, the data is used in supervisory work and for financial analyses. The reported information in the annual reports is also published on Ei’s website.

The district heating companies’ annual reports and information on operating and business conditions are also published on Transparency about the financial conditions should, among other things, counteract unreasonable pricing of district heating and increase confidence among customers.

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