November, a month to quit smoking

2023-11-02 08:50:28


Video duration:
1 min

Health: November, a month to quit smoking

Health: November, a month to stop smoking – (France info)

Going 30 days without touching a cigarette is the challenge launched by the tobacco-free month which began on Wednesday November 1st. Since its creation, more than 1.2 million French people have participated in this operation.

Are you ready to quit smoking for 30 days? In any case, this is the objective of tobacco-free month with already more than 124,000 registered. An essential step to eradicate this public health problem. Since the creation of the operation in 2016, more than 1.2 million people have taken up the challenge. Participants are supported, cessation assistance tools are offered on the dedicated site but also on the “Tabac Info Service” application.

12 million smokers

At the same time, kits are available in pharmacies, a dedicated number has been set up, 39 89. In France, tobacco is one of the leading causes of death. According to Public Health France, one in two smokers will die from their smoking. 12 million French people smoke every day, a figure that has remained stable for four years, but nearly 75,000 smokers die each year. If the tobacco-free month seems to appeal to the French, the political world remains heavily criticized for its lack of action against smoking.

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