November 2023 Consumer Price Index: Food Price Decline and Overall Inflation Rates

2024-01-08 12:50:40

In November 2023, consumer prices fell by 1.2%, monthly, in connection with the decline in the prices of food products (-2.5%), in particular those of unprocessed cereals (-1. 8%), fresh fish (-12.5%), oils (-2.3%) and fresh fruit or root vegetables (-3.0%).

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Over one year, consumer prices increased slightly by 0.9% in November 2023, in favor of an increase observed in “housing, water, gas, electricity and other fuels” (+0.9 %), “furniture, household items and routine household maintenance” (+1.9%), health (+2.1%), transport (+3.4%), education ( +1.6%), “restaurants and hotels” (+2.9%) and “miscellaneous goods and services” (+4.6%). Regarding underlying inflation (excluding fresh and energy products), it remained stable, in monthly variation, and increased slightly by 0.9%, year-on-year. On a monthly basis, the prices of local products and those imported decreased, in order, by 1.6% and 1.0%, in November 2023.

Over one year, the prices of local and imported products increased, respectively, by 0.4% and 0.5%, in November 2023.

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