Novak: Russia redirected 30-40% of gas exports to other destinations instead of Europe

“Exports to the south have increased, and also via the Power of Siberia gas pipeline, we will reach the maximum contractual obligations with Chinese partners in 2025,” Novak told the Rossiya-24 channel during Russian Energy Week. By redirecting about 30-40% to other destinations.”

Novak also indicated that Russia may increase its gas production by 10% compared to last year by the end of the year.

Novak added: “This year we expect production growth compared to last year by 10%, and this is a very good percentage. Compared to last year, we will achieve an increase of 60 billion cubic meters of gas production, and this is guaranteed through supplies to the local market and through export destinations.”

According to International Energy Agency estimates, gas production in Russia in the first half of 2024 increased by more than 7% compared to the same period last year, and about 40% of the production increase was driven by increased liquefied natural gas exports or gas supplies via pipelines.

Russia also increased gas exports to China via the “Power of Siberia” pipeline in the first half of 2024 by 35%, which suggests that supplies may exceed the level of 30 billion cubic meters this year.

Russia has previously stated more than once that the West committed a grave foolishness by refusing to buy fuel from Russia, and that it will fall into a new, severe dependency due to rising prices.

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Volin said on Sunday that Europe would not have sufficient quantities of gas from other sources without Russian gas supplies.

Source: Russia-24

#Novak #Russia #redirected #gas #exports #destinations #Europe
2024-09-29 18:51:33



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